Author Topic: Unreliable Torture  (Read 20922 times)


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Re: Unreliable Torture
« Reply #45: December 11, 2011, 03:31:25 AM »
I'm still having a hard time seeing what OOC justification you're imputing to the Zuma GM.

He knew OOC—with 100% certainty—that the message Terrence sent was a fake, and who put him up to it.

He knew this before he requested the torture report.

He has said this already.

Are you just ignoring his posts? Or do you think he's a liar?  Which I wouldn't generally ask, by the way, but in general, your and Vellos's treatment of the Zuma GM in all this has been pretty atrocious.  You've been acting all along as if he's a convicted bug-abuser who deserves whatever insults you feel like thrown his way—an attitude that we would rarely tolerate toward another player.

I don't know what you are getting at. I never said he didn't OOC believe that he OOC knew the message was a fake. I don't believe that to be the case either. You are putting words in my mouth. I don't think he's a liar. I don't think he's a cheater. I don't think he's a dick. I have never said these things, nor do I think them.

Nor have I accused him of abusing a bug. Vellos made that report, and that argument, not me. Personally, let's be clear, I think that this does not violate the social contract. However, I firmly do believe it does violate the SMA rules. These two rulesets are independant of each other.

Do you even bother reading what the GM posted? Would you like me to give you a direct link to his post? He told Vellos to go to the Magistrates and deal with it there because Vellos complained to the GM about it in an OOC IG message. The GM did not want to get into an OOC discussion IG about the issue. You didn't even try to find out if there was any IC/RP motivation for it.
Because you keep trying to be IC indignant over things that don't make sense. If you make IC arguments (i.e. "... asking for a torture report because you believe the scribe more than the noble."), then expect to get IC argumnts back.

But even that claim you made is plainly, and sorry for the language here, pure bull!@#$. Because the GM already told you why he asked. And you are completely ignoring his posts, and arguing useless crap which bears no relations to the actual situation, and attributing to him ridiculous motivations which he has already categorically denied.

If you were really interested in handling all this IC and IG, then what you should have done was, oh, maybe talk to the character IC? Through all of your discussions here, it's pretty obvious that you guys never even bothered to ask the Zuma for details. Rather than say "Hey, wait a minute, we're not torturing one of our own guys, surely there's gotta be another way", or maybe ask him why he wants a torture report, or why he wants all these weapons, and, hell for that matter you never even asked him what "good condition" means. Hello!

You had a friggin' golden opportunity to interact with the Zuma GM, tell an awesome story, do some kickass RP, and play a part in events that could shape the way Dwilight develops for the rest of time. And what did you do? Nothing. You pissed away all your time doing nothing. You waited until the very last minute to go try to talk to the guy. And then what did you do? You sent bitchy, accusatory OOC message to the GM accusing him of being a dick. And then you opened a Magistrates case with a ridiculously biased report (hey Vellos, why didn't you post the message you sent to the GM to kick off the OOC conversation as part of your report?), accusing the GM of, of all the weird-ass things, bug abuse! Oh, and you filed an SMA report, too. And as part of the Magistrates case you asked that if the Magistrates don't convict the guy, that they issue a declaration declaring the guy to be behaving like a dick.

Yeah, it really sounds like you're really concerned about the IC side of this thing to me.

I'm done with this thread.

Indirik, this applies particularily since it's a GM faction that can't be resisted. However, that does not mean that I think that it's solely not fine because he did it. I would consider all demands of game reports, because of their 100% trustworthiness, to be metagaming and therefore against SMA, regardless of who is doing it. We've gotten lazy over the years with Dwilight, and we aren't as zealous as we used to be with inforcing SMA. However, I think that meta-gaming should always remain banned there. Otherwise, just strip SMA away altogether, and call Dwilight Far East 2, or Far West, as it's getting to be as much of an RP island as FEI is.

I don't know where you are getting your stuff. What GM posts are you even talking about? Did he suddenly write new messages somewhere? If so, then indeed I didn't see it. However, I suspect you are talking about the very same couple of messages that were brought up in the very beginning. In which I do not see him "categorically denying" anything. So really, if I'm not seeing something here, please just quote it.

As for the "actual situation", yea, I'm not just talking about this case. 'Cause guess what? This isn't the magistrate case thread. Why should it be limited to this particular case? The original post just briefly mentionned the Zuma incident to add context, but it isn't what the thread started about so I don't see why I should limit myself to discussing just the Zuma case when others bring up topics of interest (such as scout reports).

And btw, I *did* write to Haktoo a few days back. How the hell can you say what I did and tried and what I didn't, eh? He basically said he wouldn't respond to messages, and that I had to go to him in person or talk to Garret. So I talked to Garret, since I've got other things to do and more pertinent figures have went. But talking to Garret isn't of any use anymore. I could write to Haktoo again, or go and see him, but to tell him what, eh? Haktoo asked for torture. I'm not the judge, I can't even do it game-wise. So what would you have me do? I'm a priest, I can't even beat up advies. I could talk to him straight up, but others have, and it's proven pointless. So forgive me for not doing more.

And sending him an OOC message? Dude, seriously, !@#$ off. I didn't write a single OOC message to the GM. I don't know if Vellos did, but I don't give a damn. I'm not Vellos, so don't start accusing me of stuff others did (or might have, or are thought to have done). Vellos was also the one who filed a magistrate report, not me. I did, however, file an SMA report. Is that against the rules, now? And by extension, is everyone who breaks SMA a "dick"? I simply don't think that attitude, which is blatant meta-gaming, belongs on a SMA island. Warnings for SMA, as far as I know, don't extend one's realm anyways. Nobody would know of the judgement aside from the GM. So if the titans pass a decision on the sole fact that he's a GM and shouldn't be "humiliated" (when nobody but him and Garret will get the notice), that's just a load of bull.

So screw you, Indirik. If you are gonna go call people names and throw dirt at them, at least make sure that you are accusing the right person. Most of the things you are cussing at me for weren't even done or said by me.
« Last Edit: December 11, 2011, 03:35:07 AM by Chénier »
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