Author Topic: Unreliable Torture  (Read 20944 times)


  • Exalted Emperor
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Re: Unreliable Torture
« Reply #45: December 11, 2011, 03:53:39 AM »
Zuma GM has posted in the magistrates thread, did you miss those?

Actually, yes.

Is it such a freaking shocker? Anyone noticed that I had not posted in that thread since? Why do you assume I had read what is on another thread somewhere? I made a few comments here and there, but considering I can't vote, I had determined that following the thread was pretty pointless. I also, in general, didn't post all that much today.

I'm not omnipotent, dude.

That being said, I had never said that he was lying anyways, either before or after his messages in that other thread. And I stick by my opinion regardless. What he says doesn't change my opinion in any way. So he says he OOC knows what's the truth? Why the hell should this matter? The issue, as far as SMA is concerned, isn't that he is asking because he wants to, as a GM, know the truth. The issue is that he is asking because his character knows that torture will be 100% reliable, because OOC he knows it to be the case.

Sure, he makes the argument "The same characters that have used torture themselves in the past and know very well, to them at least, that torture successfully makes humans tell the truth." But that's circular logic. His characters know the game works that way, because the game has always worked that way thus far? This statement doesn't dispove what I was saying, though it may very well disprove what *you think I was saying*, or what you think others were saying for that matter.

The argument the GM has made has absolutely nothing to do with the Zuma. Any judge in the game could use that logic. In pretty much anywhere in the game, it wouldn't matter. On Dwilight, though? I don't think that has a place.

He distrusts humans, now? Fine, but he should distrust the scribes just as much. His character can't know for a fact if torture really did occur, or who really wrote the report, or if what's written in it is really what was said. But if it has a hash code, then it's realiable? And if he had some special daimon powers that could tell him that, then he'd have been able to use the same to learn the truth himself.
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