Author Topic: Unreliable Torture  (Read 20947 times)


  • Exalted Emperor
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Re: Unreliable Torture
« Reply #45: December 11, 2011, 05:11:27 AM »
" Metagaming is a broad term usually used to define any strategy, action or method used in a game which transcends a prescribed ruleset, uses external factors to affect the game, or goes beyond the supposed limits or environment set by the game. Another definition refers to the game universe outside of the game itself. "

It could be argued that using RP in such ways is an attempt to transcend the rule set, with the code base and the design decisions forming the rule set in this case. Meta Gaming is a very broad thing, which is why it is impossible to really say something has broken it unless we are going to establish a single authority to make rulings. What constitutes meta gaming is likely going to revolve hugely around personal opinion.

I don't think that'd be a valid comparison, and that it therefore works the other way around, as we can't affect the in-game rules by our rp. RP cannot affect game rules, therefore the only metagaming possible is game rulers influencing RP. Perhaps elsewhere it'd be possible, but not when the code is regulated by a machine. You could perhaps argue that DMs could metagame by knowledge of their players, I guess, but it wouldn't apply to a game like BM.

Those examples all seem a case of pure RP flavor, where is their true relation to underlying code? Do we have any previous example of SMA being enforced about an issue similar to this?

I'm tired, and I can't think of any example of visible meta-gaming from Dwilight's early days. That doesn't mean it didn't happen, nor does it mean that it was judged as acceptable, though. I just can't think of any similar situation back in Dwi's early days... Inter-realm contact was limited, only one of the three realms had a religion for a while (and only they had a religion that mattered for a very long time), food problems didn't yet exist... So it wasn't really a context that favored the emergence of such attitudes.

Sounds like colonization killed SMA.  :o
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