Author Topic: Large Update Bugs and Breaks  (Read 77792 times)


  • Mighty Duke
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Re: Large Update Bugs and Breaks
« Reply #165: December 24, 2011, 10:08:56 AM »
dwi, d'hara.

a few days ago, d'hara TO'ed sallowtown (city). at that turn, sallowtown is shown as being part of duchy of qubel lighthouse.

today, I noticed that sallowtown (and the more recently taken sallowwild) are listed as being under duchy of sallowtown. neither have lords yet.
so 2 possible scenarios...
1) ruler created duchy of sallowtown from the lordless sallowtown before TO of sallowwild completed (because TO message of sallowwild says it joins duchy of sallowtown)... but there's no announcement of creation of duchy. (asked, awaiting reply.. no idea if it was created by ruler yet)

2) the game automatically bounced sallowtown into duchy status on its own at some point... perhaps when sallowwild was taken?

either way, something is wrong. (ie.. either there should be realm wide announcement for duchy creation or game shouldn't bounce realm into new duchy all on its own)

Region Taken   (3 days, 12 hours ago)
message to all nobles of D'Hara
We have successfully convinced the people of Sallowtown to raise our banner and abandon their old allegiance to (rogue).
The region joins the duchy of Qubel Lighthouse.

Region Taken   (15 hours, 49 minutes ago)
message to all nobles of D'Hara
We have successfully convinced the people of Sallowwild to raise our banner and abandon their old allegiance to (rogue).
The region joins the duchy of Sallowtown.