Author Topic: Large Update Bugs and Breaks  (Read 77592 times)


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Re: Large Update Bugs and Breaks
« Reply #180: December 25, 2011, 12:04:55 PM »
Huh.  There's another bug...The continent-wide reports when a TO succeeds are no longer being sent out.

Should be fixed now.

not sure if this is related, but "in realm" time did not reset for Kendal Forbes, who moved from Luri Nova to D'Hara. Kendal joined 12-16, according to family history, but it says 250 days in realm, which I think is time since joining Luri Nova.

Should also be fixed now, though it will remain for those affected so far.

The Demolition Workshop has to shut down for today due to low production.
Production:       Thriving (100%)

Yes, that's just bad text. Some buildings have a low chance to shut down even in perfect conditions. I'm not sure how to express that better. On the other hand, some buildings also have good chances to remain open even in horrible conditions.

In Atamara, today, when I cancelled movement and turned around, I got the following error, although the command worked fine, and I lost an hour from the turn:

Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Doctrine\ORM\EntityNotFoundException' with message 'Entity was not found.' in /var/battlemaster/include/Doctrine/Proxies/BattleMasterTravelProxy.php:32 Stack trace: #0 /var/battlemaster/include/Doctrine/Proxies/BattleMasterTravelProxy.php(53): BattleMaster\Proxies\BattleMasterTravelProxy->__load() #1 /var/battlemaster/include/ BattleMaster\Proxies\BattleMasterTravelProxy->__call('getSpecial', Array) #2 /var/battlemaster/include/ BattleMaster\Proxies\BattleMasterTravelProxy->getSpecial() #3 /var/battlemaster/live/stable/Turnaround.php(37): status() #4 {main} thrown in /var/battlemaster/include/Doctrine/Proxies/BattleMasterTravelProxy.php on line 32

Yes, I know about this error. It's caused by the bottom status bar being updated to the new code, but the rest of stable not. It is a cosmetic error only - everything else works just like it should, except that this error shows up.