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Large Update Bugs and Breaks

Started by Tom, December 12, 2011, 09:51:12 AM

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So I just had these reports in my region on BT:

Daily Region Report   (4 hours, 18 minutes ago)
The current situation in Unger, according to your servants:
Production is being restored through regular repairs. Production rises 3%.

Regional Report for Unger   (4 hours, 18 minutes ago)
the lord and knights of Unger
Taxes are too high, hurting production and trade.
857 people are leaving the overpopulated region and moving to Jedinchel.
The "Ungerians Cabecou" infantry recruitment center has the maximum amount of recruits ready and waiting (100 men).
15 recruits were trained in the "LesFousD'Unger" special forces recruitment center.
2 new Healers are ready. There are now 2 available.
2 new Banners are ready. There are now 2 available.
1 new Siege Engines are ready. There are now 5 available.


I've got a few remarks on this:

1) Neither report makes mention of the 11% morale drop
2) Peasants in my region are leaving for a region that was full already and is now overpopulated by roughly 1,000 peasants (If I can believe the stats on the region's wiki page, which I believe I can).
3) 15 recruits trained in an SF center (size 3) in a day? I'm not complaining but it seems insane compared to the usual recruitment rate.


i got this today... as opposed to 2 recruits a day from yesterday and before
    Some people consider the tax rate as too high.
    8 recruits were trained in the "Well trained rangers" special forces recruitment center.
    11 recruits were trained in the "Avengmil Raiders" special forces recruitment center.
    The "Armored bowman" archers recruitment center has the maximum amount of recruits ready and waiting (50 men).

but then again, they come under different headings

recruits were under the "event" sent to lord only
Extended Region Report from Avengmil   (1 day, 4 hours ago)

and they are now "reports"
Regional Report for Avengmil   (4 hours, 45 minutes ago)
sent to lord  and knights of region.


Quote from: GoldPanda on December 17, 2011, 08:50:19 AM
I know it's not much, but I find it hard to believe that several hundred troops can perform TO actions, and make less than 1% progress in a region with 6 peasants.

Am I too impatient, or is this a bug?

It's a bug. Your progress isn't displaying correctly. Next turn should be better.

Quote from: Lorgan on December 17, 2011, 10:42:28 AM
1) Neither report makes mention of the 11% morale drop
2) Peasants in my region are leaving for a region that was full already and is now overpopulated by roughly 1,000 peasants (If I can believe the stats on the region's wiki page, which I believe I can).
3) 15 recruits trained in an SF center (size 3) in a day? I'm not complaining but it seems insane compared to the usual recruitment rate.

All of these are bugs that are being fixed or tweaked right now. The next turn should be a lot better, except for 1) - I am leaving the summary changes our for the moment because not everything has been moved to the new script yet, and so the sum would be incomplete. I'd rather give no information than false or misleading information.

Vaylon Kenadell

I got this region report today for Storms Keep on Dwilight:

Regional Report for Storms Keep   (7 hours, 51 minutes ago)
90 people are leaving the overpopulated region and moving to Storms End.
The "Archers of the Storm" archers recruitment center has the maximum amount of recruits ready and waiting (50 men).
The Scouts Guild has to shut down for today because of bad administration.

Both Storms Keep and Storms End had maxed out their population already.
I don't understand what "bad administration" is. Are our buildings just going to randomly stop working now?


Quote from: Vaylon Kenadell on December 17, 2011, 02:13:44 PM
I don't understand what "bad administration" is. Are our buildings just going to randomly stop working now?

"Now"? This has been in the code pretty much forever. It is not entirely random, though. There's a bit of chance involved (otherwise a region in bad shape would shut down completely).


QuoteThe Houses of Healing has to shut down for today due to low morale.

Iato's morale is 94%.
Dit donc camarade soleil / Ne trouves-tu ça pas plutôt con / De donner une journée pareil / À un patron

They say sadness is relative. What would make one person shrug and move on might make another depressed. Guess Iato's residents are very sensitive to depression. Oh, wait, now that I see who's ruling over them, I can understand, lol.

Vaylon Kenadell

Bad administration, low morale... Chénier, I think the game is trying to tell us something.


Some people consider the tax rate as too high.
The Scouts Guild has to shut down for today because of bad administration.
1 new Healers are ready. There are now 10 available.
1 new Caravans are ready. There are now 8 available.

Production:       Thriving (100%)
Morale:       Joyful (100%)
Realm Loyalty:       Worshipful (99%)
Realm Control:       Core

Is the Scouts Guild shut down because there's a max on the number of scouts?


Quote from: Chénier on December 17, 2011, 03:54:57 PM
Iato's morale is 94%.

Then there is a very small chance of it shutting down for low morale.

Building several buildings of the same type helps. If your morale is that high, two of them pretty much guarantee that at least one remains open.

Quote from: egamma on December 17, 2011, 06:49:54 PM
The Scouts Guild has to shut down for today because of bad administration.

Bad administration has nothing to do with morale, loyalty or production. Actually, there's nothing you can really do about it. It's the mysterious errors of bureaucracy. Again, having more than one scouts guild dramatically improves the chances that at least one will remain open.



Quote from: egamma on December 17, 2011, 07:05:38 PM

My FEI character didn't gain hours at turn change.

FEI is on stable, so this is a bug that has nothing to do with the large update. Thanks for reporting it to the bugtracker.


Quote from: Tom on December 17, 2011, 09:13:45 PM
FEI is on stable, so this is a bug that has nothing to do with the large update. Thanks for reporting it to the bugtracker.

I thought it might be  a turn-script break like the one on Atamara.


Quote from: egamma on December 17, 2011, 10:10:50 PM
I thought it might be  a turn-script break like the one on Atamara.

But only the turn scripts on testing are changed. It certainly is a bug, but it's probably unrelated. We'll look into it anyways.


Quote from: Tom on December 17, 2011, 12:27:06 PM
It's a bug. Your progress isn't displaying correctly. Next turn should be better.

I'm still seeing 0% for both TO progress stats, Tom. 0% fear and 0% sympathy.
qui audet vincit