Author Topic: Give priority target matching for charging cavalry.  (Read 7382 times)


  • Guest
lol, look man, in every strategy game there is some balance between realism/features and ability to play the game. Thankfully BM is not a game where people need to play 18/7 to be minimally competent with mechanics and strategies.

Now, how hard would it be to include a separate parameter for target affinity? Not that hard is the answer. Does that mean I can do it myself? Well, give me a month where I don't have to study 8 hours of the day and I'll do it for y'all to prove a layperson could even achieve it.

I would prefer to see this take a different form. I would like the cavalry to destroy the 3 man unit, and on the next turn, be able to charge again into the archers on the next row back. As long as they defeat their target one turn, they should be able to charge the next turn. This would be realistic and even more useful.

Also, need to get the cavalry to turn around and charge back into the melee when they don't have any targets in front of them.