Author Topic: What little things that people commonly do, do you consider non-SMA? And why?  (Read 20752 times)


  • Mighty Duke
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On Dwilight, my Marshal character generally only gives extremely general directives. "Let's try to keep our duchy free of monsters" or "looks like we all need a refit." And mostly I let the members act on their own and they are expected to individually respond to threats like monsters without much prodding, especially if it is within their region.

From time to time, more formal orders are given for instance we need to rally to a border altogether to respond to a foreign threat or something. But mostly, I try to have him treat everyone as what they are: Nobles leading their own units of soldiers who should be capable of doing what needs to be with very little prompting.

This is admirable (and I try to do the same) but seems like more of a philosophy of playing than an SMA bullet point.