Author Topic: Dwilight losing its saltiness?  (Read 39192 times)


  • Mighty Duke
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Re: Dwilight losing its saltiness?
« Reply #30: January 07, 2012, 10:01:06 AM »
I also wouldn't be fundamentally opposed to turning back up spawn rates; but I would prefer to leave them as they are and let Dwilight develop into a place where PvP conflict can really occur on a large scale. Having it constantly be a non-PvP environment is frustrating. I like colonizing and settling, yes, but I'd like to actually fight someone at some point.

So why not play in Atamara?

Isn't it exactly that 'frontier feeling' you get on Dwilight that makes it one of the only continents with a stable/increasing noble population?

I'd like to see rogue spawns take a surge as well. Even if we're not ready for it.