Author Topic: Dwilight losing its saltiness?  (Read 39146 times)


  • Mighty Duke
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Re: Dwilight losing its saltiness?
« Reply #30: January 07, 2012, 12:41:43 PM »
I don't like the Zuma either. I didn't like them when I first heard about them and I still don't like them now. If I want to deal with Daimons, I'll go to Beluaterra. They add nothing to the Dwilight experience IMO. And the speech about "it's not going to be easy dealing with them" just puts me off more. I don't want to have to do a bunch of effort trying to understand something that's been - pardon the phrase - stuffed down my throat for no apparent reason. Again, if I want vague hints and spend my nights deciphering messages from Daimons, I'll go to Beluaterra.

To me, they're nothing but a giant sword of Damocles, precariously hanging over the heads of the Dwilight nobles, ready to fall on them the moment they slip up.