Author Topic: Dwilight losing its saltiness?  (Read 39177 times)

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Re: Dwilight losing its saltiness?
« Reply #60: January 08, 2012, 01:48:28 PM »
* Artemesia looks around. Wonders if he should somewhat settle the matter since he's not technically a member of the Dev Team and probably isn't bound to keeping mum about aspects of the code he just happened to accidentally bump across.

So...first, about the whole rules thing: Nothing new. I find it odd that people complain about the daimons so vocally with the thought that it makes a difference, but not many people anymore are complaining about how rogue spawns are unfair (Well they did before but that was more along the lines of how much they "randomly" spawned rather than "the guy controlling them is too powerful")

That's technically not true. In some very distant but still present sense, whoever injects the monster/undead spawn code is indirectly controlling your rogue fates. But you guys don't have a convenient target for that. And so the result is that you end up dealing with the monsters and undead as a matter of course.

Ok, so you say that the daimons are being controlled by a player who can think and coordinate attacks. First of all, how many of you have seen how the daimons move? How often have you seen their attack methods, or tactics? I won't share this, but I'm sure there are people out there who'd be happy to explain all the details about how they actually move. Whether this is mechanical or voluntary isn't something I care to speculate about.

Now about the whole units popping out of regions that have "poor stats": Those stats really only matter for humans. Ever wonder where those monsters and undead are popping out from in rogue regions that have zeros across the board and one population (contributed by that contractually invincible one peasant). Has it occurred to any of you that there are stats that humans can't see? Obviously it should have, because adventurers get vague hints at those "hidden" stats when they investigate the monster/undead situation.

Are the daimons restricted by something similar? I'm just a normal player, never been privy to the stuff the Dev Team has, never been an NPC player, never read Tom's mind. Anything and everything I know was gained and deduced by the same methods available to all of you. The fact that I am sitting in the Zuma Coalition means nothing because I am not the GM, I am not privy to any special information, and most of all, there are certain mechanics in place that prevent me from actually seeing some stuff.

And I'm not even one of the smarter players, so you wonder what the more observant and sharper ones have figured out. People can think I'm a jerk, but you know, the ones who will end up actually messing up your happy poo poo are the smart ones who stay silent and watch while you flail about and manipulate things in their safe little corners, all of us none the wiser.