Author Topic: Dwilight losing its saltiness?  (Read 39153 times)


  • Honourable King
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Re: Dwilight losing its saltiness?
« Reply #60: January 08, 2012, 04:30:13 PM »
Cause you know, HUMAN relams NEVER ignore treaties. Or end them as soon as they serve their purposes. No human realm ever decides another realm is no longer worth having treaties with, or is so ignoble that all previous treaties are now void.

This ignore the fact that pretty much the first and BASE treaty of Asylon was broken by the revolt. Asylon was only allowed to govern those lands so long as the looked after the native human tribes and held there respect. Regions revolting against your lordship might imply failure in that regard. Once a foundation treaty is broken, how much wait does any subsequent treaty still hold?

Sorry, never multi cheated. This account is the first and only account I've played, and it has never been locked, ever.My wife thinks I spend too much time playing a single account, no way I'm going to get away with playing more even if I had the inclination. If you think otherwise report it to the titans. If you are going to continue to slander and make baseless accusations, then at least do it in game were there is some recourse against fools making false accusations of cheating.

There's a difference here, and it's not insignificant. The difference is that when a human realm, led by PLAYERS, decides not to honor a treaty it generates player versus players conflict, which as we all know is good for BM. When an NPC realm, led by a faceless GM, decides not to honor a treaty, it leads to the human realm feeling screwed, witness Glaumring's reaction to it all. After all, it's not like Asylon can turn to military conflict to redress the grievance they now have, because the Zuma are overwhelmingly powerful in that department. Instead, it's like the GM is saying 'HA! Gotcha! You should have been more careful, and because you weren't it's your own fault that now we're screwing you! Nyah nyah!'

Can anyone here seriously NOT see why that wouldn't piss someone off? All you people who are defending the Zuma don't generally have to deal with them IC (except for Artemesia who doesn't count because he works for them), and as far as I know none of you choose to do so. On the other hand the people that do complain are generally the ones that do. That is pretty notable, don't you think?