Author Topic: Dwilight losing its saltiness?  (Read 39154 times)

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Re: Dwilight losing its saltiness?
« Reply #90: January 09, 2012, 01:22:09 AM »
Not bad for stating the obvious.

Daimons have a resource value limiting their spawn? Amazing. I bet you could even come to the shockingly inventive conclusion that daimons only exist as units raised by daimon leaders, either as militia or mobile. What a revolutionary conclusion. That helps SO MUCH. It's nice to know that somewhere in the game's programming there is programming that covers daimon recruitment. I would not have guessed such a thing Artemesia, thank you.


This isn't useful information. Useful information would be something like, "Daimons recruit more easily in townslands" or "Daimons can convert peasants to soldiers at a rate of X" or "Unique items give Daimons an advantage in stat X" or "Daimonic recruitment declines as distance from capital increases" or something like that.

egamma's questions are good ones. What with FangFang's march north, I am very curious about daimonic movement now. De-Legro's comments about RCs and stats are accurate, though population has risen since then. The comment regarding human warriors is outdated; I haven't heard them make any insistences to that effect recently, and some RPs seemed clearly to be able daimon warriors. Under Vates, the Zuma were more like daimonic nobility ruling the barbarian Zuma. Under Haktoo they've changed significantly.

Goddamn, man, what I did was much better than you going off bitching about the Zuma. If it was so obvious why were people still confused about some of the very things I managed to explain?

Really? Everyone knew that the daimons had some resource that they take from? Did you really know that there was a cap? Because you know...In some cases in the past, there were special powers apparently granted where there was no such thing. That's pretty much why before the 4th Invasion you saw a huge bigass unit that roflstomped a !@#$ton.

But more importantly, you're showing how much more arrogant and self-absorbed you are than me.

I don't presume to think that what I said was obvious. I decided to share what I discovered, knowing that I'm not the smartest player out there, but still brave enough to share the little I knew knowing that I might show how ignorant I am.

You come back with your nice little sarcasm, presuming to speak for everyone by saying how obvious it is. Did you care that some people really might not have known this because they didn't really think about it? Most people probably don't think about game mechanics like NPC rules because it really doesn't affect them. But some of them might get curious once they know they exist, and so I was trying to help them out.

So here's my dose of sarcasm mode for you, Mr. Vellos.


You certainly display the poise of an excellent player who chooses not to lower himself to the level of his opponents. You admirably show that you can hold yourself above your base emotions, and can remain civil despite how those around you become less than civil. You are a prime example of how a player should act on the forums.
