Author Topic: Dwilight losing its saltiness?  (Read 39187 times)


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Re: Dwilight losing its saltiness?
« Reply #90: January 09, 2012, 04:56:54 PM »
It's a tautology, Artemesia. If the daimons exist IG, they must have a resource somewhere in the game to represent them. Things in the game interface we observe don't exist independently. They are the programming and the programming is them. Saying, "They come from regions" is also fairly obvious; especially given the observable mechanics and things said during the current invasion on Beluaterra.

Sure, some players who have never interacted with the Zuma or any daimons on any significant level might not know these things and might not be able to get them IG.

That also probably means they live off in the wild blue yonder far from the daimons. Anybody who lives near them has been somewhat significantly motivated to consider these things. If they haven't gotten to the conclusion that, yes, daimons are separate in-game units, then seriously, they must not look at scout reports. I was sarcastic because your rather detailed and long-winded explanation, as far as I could tell, amounted to about as much as was figured out in the first 30 minutes of the Fourth Invasion. And, strangely enough... humanity didn't really win that Invasion.

I'm fine with Beluaterra being sunk; it's the Invasion island, whatever. Dwilight has never been advertised that way. I'd rather prefer not to have the same fate happen to it, which means having information of strategic relevance.

Information on that level has never been revealed for an invasion, the chances of it being revealed for the Zuma are slight. You might be able to get the Zuma ingame to reveal such things, I have no idea what the guidelines for the GM say in that regard. the GM behind Haktoo has been with the Zuma from the start, there might be some diamons within the forces, but in general the Zuma remain as they always have, Daimon overlords of a human realm. What I don't know is if the "human" troops is entirely RP thing or if it is supported by game mechanics. The CS of the troops suggest if they are "human" within the game, then they are damn good SF.

I'm not asking for the GM to reveal it; sorry if it came out that way. I understand GMs have limitations; absolutely. I don't want them to break their rules.

Rather, as the Zuma allow people to live among them or near them to some degree, I was hoping that better intel might be available from normal observation. Barca may have battle reports from the Zuma that could speak to their troops. FangFang's march north seems to me to indicate that they can recruit anywhere, as they do not appear to have moved a unit through Terran's land. But, again, that whole situation is very odd. The question about details on the type of troops would be interesting, but I'm pretty sure they're just coded the exact same as the Beluaterra daimons.

In fact, the appearance of the mega-horde on Beluaterra reinforces the idea that the Zuma are coded similarly: if we presume the Blight has similar wastelandish and netherworldian recruitment as the Zuma Coalition, then we can realize the extent of the Fifth Invasion. The Zuma support sometimes as much as 60-70k CS (or at least it looks that way) from their small area. We know that Overlord can field 130k... but if the Blight can recruit like the Zuma Coalition.... it could be many, many times that much.

Or maybe daimon recruitment is finite. Maybe it doesn't regenerate. We don't know that it does. Non-regenerating recruitment would fit much of the Fourth Invasion's phenomena.

But we don't know, ultimately. Those are the questions that would merit really serious discussion.
"A neutral humanism is either a pedantic artifice or a prologue to the inhuman." - George Steiner