
Do you enjoy having the Zuma/Daimons on Dwilight?

Yes, I love them.
No, I hate them.
I'm not sure.
I don't know anything about them.

Author Topic: Zuma/Daimons  (Read 174816 times)


  • Honourable King
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Re: Zuma/Daimons
« Reply #315: January 31, 2012, 12:20:16 AM »
As has been noted by several people, most of this discussion is just going nowhere. As much as I would like to believe that debating most of the points with you further might ultimately lead to some reflections which might improve gameplay in the future, I just don't, not on this particular issue. So I am not going to make a detailed reply to most of your post; again, not out of angry frustration, but basically because I don't think it'll be productive

However, this comment can be productively dissected.

It begs the question: why do we even want long-term GMs? We don't need to have the same human player be ruler for 5 years IRL, why have the same GM?

Why not have, say, 4 or 5 GMs. They take shifts. 2 or 3 play at a time, for a few months. Then, they have to "return to the underworld" to rejuvenate themselves or something. Like, Dwilight's air is toxic or something. I dunno. Some kind of RPed hand-waving.

Thus, you could have less monolithic GMing, more diverse RPing, less burden on GMs, and solve the problem of inconsistent GMing.

What? Solve inconsistent GMing by introducing divisiveness among GMs? How?

1. Don't let the GMs know each others' main accounts. So, for example, if Chénier and I are GMs, don't have it so that, if we send an OOC message, it says "Lyman Stone." Sure, we might figure it out... but maybe not.

2. When people realize that the GMs ARE IN FACT DIVIDED, it will alter the entire strategic framework for the parts of Dwilight affected by the Zuma. That is, the problem with inconsistent GMing is that GMs are generally expected to be consistent.

But what if we change the expectation? A plausible way to change that expectation while simultaneously fixing several other root problems with the Zuma would be to have a rotating pool of GMs with overlapping "terms" so they can kind of see what's going on with each other. The RP potential would also be awesome. "Ah, yes, it's the Era of Haktoo now... (3 months later)... ah, behold, fire from the volcano, the Era of Vates is beginning..." And, knowing that each Daimon has fairly consistent personalities, but that they might plausibly be played against each other, would help to add some of the dynamism the Zuma currently lack.

So long as some time was spent forumlating and recording a base for the new GM's to work from this could work. There is some division between the existing Zuma Masters, and yes it is contrived because the same player controls them all, but in my experiance he has done a reasonable job of keeping each Master true to the bio he set up from the start. I think most people have missed the factional stuff because there is so much focus on Garret and Haktoo.
Previously of the De-Legro Family
Now of representation unknown.