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Reworking Trade

Started by Tom, January 26, 2012, 10:20:12 AM

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Currently the black market says its being reworked.

I think I have a simple suggestion for the black market. Just take out the restrictions on restricted offers if you trade via the black market. That is pretty much how the black market used to work anyways, allowing traders to trade with regions that weren't trading.

It can have the standard risk of capture and being conned and losing some gold.


Quote from: Eithad on February 17, 2012, 11:06:57 PM
I think I have a simple suggestion for the black market. Just take out the restrictions on restricted offers if you trade via the black market. That is pretty much how the black market used to work anyways, allowing traders to trade with regions that weren't trading.

Yes, that is pretty much what I had in mind.


There are any intention of bring another products rather than only food to trade?

I saw something about this when I joined the game some years ago.

I think it could give the traders a really important role in the game.

Also I didn't understood exactly how the trader broker ability works.
The trader will be able to pay less for something or the Lord hiring him will pay more for him? Who will decide the profit?

In every other game that I played, my class (carrier, profession or whatever was the name) was trader. I really like this and I tried make a trader when I joined the game but there are limited things and close to nothing to profit.

I'm sorry if my questions are stupid or my grammar is bad. It wasn't my intention. Really.


other goods... not any time soon, i believe.

brokering... haven't done it myself, but i believe the basic thing is this...

on a screen, you would see something along the lines of

A of region X is selling H bushels, etc
B of region Y is buying K bushels, etc

if H matches K, you can "broker" the deal.... and pocket any difference in price (if buying price is higher than selling price), or pay out of your own pockets if selling price is higher than buying price.

if H doesn't match K, then you link up a few more deals out there to make sure the amount sold and amount bought is the same.

basically, something is being sold at a certain price and someone is buying it at a certain price. the prices are fixed. how you make a profit depends on which deals you link up.

or something like that.

ps... trading only works in bonds... and the zuma has no bonds XD


Traders have a greater reach to see offers and can broker deals ie. connect Buy and Sell Orders. They can also broker multiple deals as long as the orders match up. So Ii region A has a sell order for 200 Food for 20 gold/100 Bushels, region B has a sell order for 300 food  for 15 gold/100 Bushels and region C has a buy order for 500 Food for 25 gold/100 Bushels, the Trader can broker these deals to buy 200 food from region A, 300 Food from region B and sell that 500 food to region C. The profit for the Trader is the difference in price. Cost to buy food: 85. Income selling food: 125. Profit for the Trader's pockets: 40 gold.

Non-traders have a smaller reach and can only accept a sell order or accept a buy order, not match them up. Though you can easily simulate the matching by accepting the buy offers first, then accepting the sell offers. I guess that's not a real advantage of the Trader. The greater reach means he can see more deals then others though, allowing him to be better at this matching up offers.


Quote from: Telrunya on April 11, 2012, 09:23:28 PM
Non-traders have a smaller reach and can only accept a sell order or accept a buy order, not match them up. Though you can easily simulate the matching by accepting the buy offers first, then accepting the sell offers. I guess that's not a real advantage of the Trader.

It is, because the trader doesn't have to be a region lord, i.e. he doesn't have to ever actually store the food anywhere, not even for a short period of time. He also doesn't have to have the bonds on hand to do the buy deals, even with empty pockets he can broker a deal and make a profit.

The first part will become even more important once we add transport delays.


Quote from: mykavykos on April 11, 2012, 09:13:24 PM
There are any intention of bring another products rather than only food to trade?

We would very much like to; however, we need to work out how to do it so that it will not make the game a pain to play for people who aren't that interested in playing EconomyMaster.
Timothy Collett

"The only thing you can't trade for your heart's your heart." "You are what you do.  Choose again, and change." "One of these days, someone's gonna plug you, and you're going to die saying, 'What did I say? What did I say?'"  ~ Miles Naismith Vorkosigan


Ah, yes, of course, that's very true. I should stop playing rich Stewards/Traders/Lords :)


Nooo, you said you'd always wait for that day, Telrunya.  Don't you go back on that promise. :P
The above is accurate 25% of the time, truthful 50% of the time, and facetious 100% of the time.


Quote from: Anaris on April 11, 2012, 09:28:47 PM
We would very much like to; however, we need to work out how to do it so that it will not make the game a pain to play for people who aren't that interested in playing EconomyMaster.
I see.

It would really bring many complications to the game...
Economic warfare, supply lines blocked during war, war for resources... Ok I get it. Keep food only :D


Depending on how it is done, shortage of a resource does not need to cripple the realm, or cause undo hardship. It could be something that was nice to have, and that you'd want to have, but not a killer if you didn't. For example: If you have Metal in your realm/duchy, then recruits from the RCs in that realm/duchy could cost 2 gold less per 10 men. Nice, and you'd want it, but not a gamebreaker if you don't have it. You could probably do something with the others, too. Wood makes archer units a bit cheaper, and level 1 and 2 forts less expensive to build/repair. Stone makes level 3+ forts a bit cheaper to build/repair, and maybe a bonus on road maintenance. Etc. This would give traders a meaningful role, as well as put some strategic value on specific regions, but not overly penalize realms that chose to not do it, or couldn't obtain the resources.

The new trade system actually makes this a lot easier. You don't need to run around the whole island carrying stuff, and having to carry 8 different resources, etc.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


Why have 10000 resources? Just have 3: Food, Materials, Goods.

A region without materials has lowered productivity, while a region with lots regains productivity faster. A region without goods has lowered morale, whereas a region with a lot of goods/population gets a morale bonus.

"Lowered" stats could mean a maximum of 80%. No need for new "have or die" resources.

The presence of resources who give greater bonuses the more you have of them (unlike food, which just prevents starvation) would give traders something to do when food isn't much of an issue, without forcing anyone to really care for the new resources.
Dit donc camarade soleil / Ne trouves-tu ça pas plutôt con / De donner une journée pareil / À un patron


And no one else will say "those three aren't necessary, it's these four that are truly useful"? :)
The above is accurate 25% of the time, truthful 50% of the time, and facetious 100% of the time.


I think that this 3 products could be enough.

Also I think that the bonuses need be significant, otherwise there will be no need to Lords look for a kind of resource.


Quote from: Chénier on April 12, 2012, 12:27:35 AM
Why have 10000 resources? Just have 3: Food, Materials, Goods.

That's an interesting approach. I was always going to go with Food, Wood, Metal and Goods.