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Reworking Trade

Started by Tom, January 26, 2012, 10:20:12 AM

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Quote from: Tom on May 08, 2012, 01:14:46 AM
Not true. The actual SQL commands were a multiplication by 0.9 and one by 0.85.

Based on what I see in update_food, unless you reverted the previous adjustments that is not at all how that works out.
Born in Day they knew the Light; Rulers, prophets, servants, and warriors.
Life in Night that they walk; Gods, heretics, thieves, and murderers.
The Stefanovics live.


did something change when rot was implemented?


nebel, dwi
19 bushels of food had to be burnt because they were found to be rotten.
You have 6 granaries with a capacity of 6000 bushels.
You have 3073 bushels of food stored.
(yesterday: 31 bushels rotted.. when unimplemented)

avengmil, bt
no mention of rot
You have 2 granaries with a capacity of 2000 bushels.
You have 407 bushels of food stored.

(yesterday, 4 rotted... when unimplemented)


Quote from: ^ban^ on May 08, 2012, 04:32:03 AM
Based on what I see in update_food, unless you reverted the previous adjustments that is not at all how that works out.

update_foodpop.php does a lot more than just that two most recent tweaks. It contains the entire food and population rebalancing.



First off, let me say that I am perfectly fine waiting as long as it takes... but I am really looking forward to when trading different resources is added to the game.  Is there any timeline for when those changes will come out?  Again, I am not trying to rush anyone or sound too impatient.


If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.



I'm playing a trader and I faced a huge problem.
As a trader you need fit two offers and also make a profit to broker a deal. I'm seeing many offers, buy and sell offers, of 10 gold.

This is simply another way to exchange food inside the realm.

The traders must have a way to make their own profit based in his own skills.

We could allow the traders always have the POSSIBILITY to get a discount based in his skills AND the POSSIBILITY of raise the selling price DURING the trade, also based on his skills. They of course could have both the discount and the raise.
Example: I'll broke a trade. I'm friend of the seller and I don't want to hurt his profit, so I decide don't get the discount in this deal. As I have not against, or in favor, to he other part, I raise the price to make my profit.
The trader still have to make a profit to broker a trade, to avoid long range food exchanges, but this way he may have more opportunities to make deals.

The Commerce skill, if it have no other name in the game already, would represent the traders ability to negotiate prices while buying and to overvalue products while selling.

I don't know if it will generate much problems to the developers, but this is the role of the traders... I know that the name of the game is "Battle Master", but I wold like to see some real room to this class too.


Don't you think that will encourage lords and dukes to despise traders and find ways to punish them?  If other lords/stewards take their offer, they get fair prices.
The above is accurate 25% of the time, truthful 50% of the time, and facetious 100% of the time.


I wouldn't want to see a skill that through normal use defrauds a lord of their gold/food. That's a black market style action. If you want a better price through legitimate means, talk to the lord and ask them.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


The basic idea was that traders are more useful than lords doing trading, due to their wider range and ability to broker deals.

As it stands so far, it doesn't work out. So we will add more incentives to include traders. One idea I have is adding fees for lords who complete (but not publish) deals. So basically, for a lord it should be cheaper to put up a "buying 500 food for 100 gold" deal next to the already existing "selling 500 food for 100 gold" one than it is to simply accept it. In fact, it should be so much cheaper that he's willing to put up a "buying 500 for 105" so traders can make a profit.

Which means the fee should be around 10% or so.


Quote from: Tom on June 02, 2012, 08:57:21 PM
The basic idea was that traders are more useful than lords doing trading, due to their wider range and ability to broker deals.

As it stands so far, it doesn't work out. So we will add more incentives to include traders. One idea I have is adding fees for lords who complete (but not publish) deals. So basically, for a lord it should be cheaper to put up a "buying 500 food for 100 gold" deal next to the already existing "selling 500 food for 100 gold" one than it is to simply accept it. In fact, it should be so much cheaper that he's willing to put up a "buying 500 for 105" so traders can make a profit.

Which means the fee should be around 10% or so.

So does that mean we will be paying 5% more when we post our buy offers?


Quote from: Zakilevo on June 02, 2012, 08:59:38 PM
So does that mean we will be paying 5% more when we post our buy offers?

Yes, and in exchange, they will probably get filled quicker, since they will be traded over a wider area.


As a lord buying food, 10% wouldn't even make me blink. I'd still do it without hesitation. At the rate food rots, at least a third, if not more, of it will rot before I ever get to use it. I would much rather have the food right now, and know I have it, than post an offer and hope someone will fill it. Like they say: a bushel in the warehouse is worth two in the market.

I don't think this penalty will do anything at all.

IMO, what would help traders the most, is an option to partial fill orders somehow. The need to match orders exactly really stifles things.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


Quote from: Indirik on June 02, 2012, 09:33:00 PM
As a lord buying food, 10% wouldn't even make me blink. I'd still do it without hesitation. At the rate food rots, at least a third, if not more, of it will rot before I ever get to use it. I would much rather have the food right now, and know I have it, than post an offer and hope someone will fill it. Like they say: a bushel in the warehouse is worth two in the market.

I don't think this penalty will do anything at all.

IMO, what would help traders the most, is an option to partial fill orders somehow. The need to match orders exactly really stifles things.

My problem with traders right now is that there are no orders to fill.  Not even large, unbalanced orders.  There's just a bunch of buy orders and an occasional realm only sell order.
The above is accurate 25% of the time, truthful 50% of the time, and facetious 100% of the time.


Two problems:
1. As noted, partially filling orders would be nice. My trader has a big pile of profit staring him in the face.... and can't access it, because partial orders don't work.

2. Unprofitable trade needs to be possible. Sometimes I stand to gain from an unprofitable trade; such as if it manages to fuel money into a region in which I have a significant oath. Let's say I make a 200 gold transaction, and lose 20 gold on it. If the income of that region rises 200 gold, and I have an oath for 30%, I just gained considerably. It's not mere altruistic nationalism: trading at a loss is a valuable tool for reaping personal rewards and for making political allies.

With both of those, in my own experience, a significant amount of new trading could open up.
"A neutral humanism is either a pedantic artifice or a prologue to the inhuman." - George Steiner