Author Topic: The Zuma  (Read 221747 times)


  • Mighty Duke
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Re: The Zuma
« Reply #75: June 06, 2011, 02:15:53 AM »
What I can say about the Zuma is this.

Originally, D'Hara sent an ambassador to the daimons. The talks went well and one of the daimons actually visited D'Hara as a guest. There was a hell of a lot of RP - not exactly friendly but definitely cordial.

Then much later, there were event RPs about daimons marching towards Paisly. I played Asriel Octavius and when the daimons arrived I did an RP about them arriving at my estate and saying that I wished to know the purpose of their visit before they advanced. They then promptly RP'd nothing but started looting the region with an event message saying they were specifically focused on Asriel's estate. Asriel then asked them why they were attacking the region and offered his own life in combat in exchange for his realm to be spared.

The daimons then left without a word. Asriel followed them demanding an explanation. They were around but didn't say anything other than doing RPs about no daimons being seen and the peasants ignoring him. Eventually Asriel got fed up and called them cowards for not facing him or explaining their actions. At this point they then turned back to D'Hara and attacked it again, despite Asriel saying that he was leaving the realm and that if they wanted revenge they could take it out on him. This was again ignored.

Now, all I can say is that this incident was a completely different style and tone from earlier encounters and went completely against all previous RP we'd had with them. Now maybe there was a reason for this, maybe their wasn't. But when a realm makes friends with the daimons and they then turn on them for no apparent reason, at the very least the decent thing to do would be to have some sort of explanation via RP. It might not be an explanation that the characters are aware of but at least the players know what's happening and can enjoy the game. Otherwise it's just a realm getting attacked for no reason by an overpowering GM faction.

When that happens on Belu then at least we know why. On Dwilight on that occasion it made no !@#$ing sense.