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The Zuma

Started by Igelfeld, March 14, 2011, 01:14:33 PM

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I'm imagining the possibility that Bowie orchestrated this and is chuckling to himself in Ashrak.

But no, I doubt it.


Quote from: Artemesia on December 03, 2011, 12:58:58 AM
I'm imagining the possibility that Bowie orchestrated this and is chuckling to himself in Ashrak.

But no, I doubt it.

Doubt it. Nothing from my exchanges suggests that Bowie views the 'moot disfavorably. Quite the contrary, actually.
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Glaumring the Fox

Hmmm... Judging from the style of writing on the forged letter it can only mean one thing.... SANGUIS ASTROISM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We live lives in beautiful lies...


Quote from: Glaumring on December 03, 2011, 02:30:46 AM
Hmmm... Judging from the style of writing on the forged letter it can only mean one thing.... SANGUIS ASTROISM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Quote from: Vellos on December 03, 2011, 12:02:38 AM
This conflict is much more likely to turn Terran into a radically pro-Zuma realm than turn into some kind of crusade.

There is almost no conceivable circumstance under which Terran would willingly go to war with the Zuma.

You realize I was talking about Dwilight becoming the next Invasion target, not fighting the Zuma, yes?

Quote from: Chénier on December 03, 2011, 12:52:45 AM
Is it the Lurias? I don't know, could be a bunch of different people. But honestly, I'm kinda hoping that they get blamed regardless of who actually did it. I tire of having that big threat that is always just waiting for an excuse to pounce on us for no good reason.  8)

I tire of having a realm that should be a major power sitting on the Isles doing nothing with them and whining about how hard their life is when they never have to fight any hordes on Dwilight.
"You know what the chain of command is? It's the chain I go get and beat you with 'til ya understand who's in ruttin' command here!"


Quote from: Bedwyr on December 03, 2011, 04:30:31 AM
You realize I was talking about Dwilight becoming the next Invasion target, not fighting the Zuma, yes?

I tire of having a realm that should be a major power sitting on the Isles doing nothing with them and whining about how hard their life is when they never have to fight any hordes on Dwilight.

Not fighting hordes? That made it HARDER! Life is much easier now that TMP is gone. That stuff contributed to Paisly losing thousands of golds worth of infrastructure due to a 50 gold deficit, because the tax tolerance was lowered and it made the trade balance so negative that the city didn't produce enough taxes to pay for all the food.

And really, food issues on the forums only came this last year, though I can't say precisely when. TMP issues hadn't really been a problem before then.

Lurian envy was solidly in place way before complaints started emerging over TMP and food on the forums. And besides, you suck as a player if have my complaints as a player fuel your grudges IC.
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Quote from: Chénier on December 03, 2011, 04:40:39 AM
And besides, you suck as a player if have my complaints as a player fuel your grudges IC.

Too far? Yep, probably too far.
"A neutral humanism is either a pedantic artifice or a prologue to the inhuman." - George Steiner


Quote from: Glaumring on December 03, 2011, 02:30:46 AM
Hmmm... Judging from the style of writing on the forged letter it can only mean one thing.... SANGUIS ASTROISM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I don't think anyone in Sanguis Astroism is capable of such a thing...
Kabrinski Family:  Nathaniel (EC), Franklin (BT), Aletha(DWI)

Glaumring the Fox

Quote from: dustole on December 03, 2011, 05:34:08 AM


I don't think anyone in Sanguis Astroism is capable of such a thing...

You are right! Damn you bowie Ironsides!!!!!!!!!!!!
We live lives in beautiful lies...


Is anyone from SA even in the Moot?


Quote from: Geronus on December 03, 2011, 07:50:45 AM
Is anyone from SA even in the Moot?

Vigilans Animus, Labell Enstance at minimum. There may be a few others.

Not least of them Alexander Vellos, Hireshmont's son.
"A neutral humanism is either a pedantic artifice or a prologue to the inhuman." - George Steiner


Quote from: Chénier on December 03, 2011, 04:40:39 AM
Not fighting hordes? That made it HARDER! Life is much easier now that TMP is gone. That stuff contributed to Paisly losing thousands of golds worth of infrastructure due to a 50 gold deficit, because the tax tolerance was lowered and it made the trade balance so negative that the city didn't produce enough taxes to pay for all the food.

You realize that you are talking to the guy who conquered Nebel, Qubel, and the Lighthouse for D'hara in the first place, and is fully aware of how easy it would be to find hordes to fight on either one of your borders, yes?  You haven't forgotten that?  You are aware that trying to bull!@#$ me on how "hard" it is to find anything to fight from D'hara is idiotic, right?  I played the Duke of the Lighthouse for months.  Finding stuff to fight was not a problem.  And that's even leaving aside the fact that I know Barca was begging for troops for several months.  The fact that you couldn't be bothered to send any is your own fault and no other's.

Lurian envy was solidly in place way before complaints started emerging over TMP and food on the forums. And besides, you suck as a player if have my complaints as a player fuel your grudges IC.

Koli personally has several reasons to want to destroy D'hara, ranging from it being the realm that exiled his father and thus made his childhood far more difficult than he felt it should have been, to wanting control over the sea routes, to being appalled at the starvation that he personally witnessed and has heard about since leaving, to the family he lost because of D'haran ineptitude, to a desire to take over larger segments of Dwilight.  I have explained this several times.  The fact that you choose not to pay any attention is your affair, but do not start insulting me OOC over things that you were too lazy to bother remembering.  And yes, I do take it extremely personally when someone says I suck as a player.
"You know what the chain of command is? It's the chain I go get and beat you with 'til ya understand who's in ruttin' command here!"

Vaylon Kenadell

It's funny that all this stuff happens regarding the Zuma at the same time some other stuff happens, and the Moot will probably never learn about it because my character has never even heard of the Moot. I'm dying to talk about stuff. I guess he'll just write a book about it afterwards, if there is an afterwards.


And you, Bedwyr, realise that I have played through my share of invasions, and that I know what frequent large hordes attacking is like? And that I was in D'Hara since day one, and while you keep saying that you know how it was in D'Hara by refering to the days when you were there, nobody was actually complaining back then. Ever thought that maybe things changed? And that the hordes you speak of were REALLY far away from the capital, Paisly, even far from our borders, and only surrounding realms that keep threatening us every chance they get? Do you actually believe we never sent any troops to Barca? That my complaints were mostly around the fact that TMP only cared for one form of struggle (military), and therefore ignored all others (such as economic), therefore effectively penalizing D'Hara for being penalized to begin with. You played duke of the Lighthouse for months, yea, sure. Didn't it occur to you that maybe there was a reason that it took so freaking long for us to reclaim it? What, do you think you were some kind of shining genius, and that the realm of morons simply was lost without your glorious guidance?

Yea, poor you, you were "exiled", that poor uncle who died, what a pity. You weren't exiled, you left on your own. I was protested when I had a bunch of titles because an apparent clique wanted more power. Did I whine and run? No, I sucked it up. Colin chose to whine and run, nobody forced him. Then you chose to have the character die. Or you rolled, sure. Whatever, you still chose that of all the possible ways to interpret his death, it's D'Hara's fault. Did I forget it? No. I just always considered it rather lame. I may as well say that I hate Luria, because my dude's father was strolling in your lands when a horde spawned and he got killed by the monsters. Big meanies, Luria caused the death of my dude's father! Those incompetents should have been able to prevent it!

All of this just screams "I'm sore against D'Hara". Especially when coupled with statements like "I tire of having a realm that should be a major power sitting on the Isles doing nothing with them and whining about how hard their life is when they never have to fight any hordes on Dwilight."

Complaints only started when population had pretty much maxed and when TMP started really kicking in. I'm sorry that we disappoint you, but I guess we don't share your magic power to spawn food out of our asses. We have always had traders roaming the continent for food and been pro-active in terms of trade agreements. If D'Hara lacked the food, it's because production growth didn't rise quickly enough compared to consumption growth, given that a % is bound to be lost due to rogues and another due to poor management, plus a % "wasted" as safety reserves. The complaints also stopped as soon as TMP ceased being an issue. TMP just didn't make any sense for our realm, because the peasants were refusing to pay for us to feed them.

You just constantly seem to have an OOC grudge against D'Hara, and you push it in various "RPs" where you victimize yourself with actions that no D'Haran player actually committed, and interpret various events as negatively as possible for D'Hara.

Sure, it can all be RP justified, but it all reeks of an OOC vendetta. For something I have a hard time believing was all that significant. Seems like an overblown hatred of the realm for very little.
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I explained what Koli felt.  You can choose to believe whatever you like.  I am quite aware Colin left.  Go take a little search through the forums, I've said several times that Koli's perspective is skewed, as one might expect by a child abandoned by his father.  The OOC situation at the time was rather different than the IC situation, and I do have a number of bad feelings over it, but those are directed at the people involved, none of whom are (I believe) even in D'hara any more.

And no, I don't think I'm magic or godly.  I do know that D'hara chose to have the capital in Paisly, and I've heard plenty about the horde spawns in the Barcan area, and I know what horde spawns are like on the other side of D'hara.  That you chose not to use those fully is your own problem.  I've seen the scout reports, I'm quite familiar with the travel times, and I have a good idea what level of battles it would have taken for D'hara to manage TMP.  I'm also quite familiar with how difficult it is to feed cities that size.  That doesn't change the fact that 1. there are ways around that, and 2. I've never claimed Koli is fully rational, especially about D'hara.

And yes, OOC, I do find D'hara, and you, quite annoying.  I find it particularly annoying when I respond to you making a groundless statement about Luria having no reason to want to conquer the Isles when there are half a dozen reasons that Koli has off-hand, and several others in Luria have more, and you decide that the appropriate way to handle that is to insult me as a player.

If I had the level of grudge you seem to think I do, D'hara would have been invaded long ago.  Whether it would have been successful is another matter entirely, of course, but we could have done a fair bit of damage regardless, and the chances of any successful retaliation are essentially none.  In point of fact, Koli's personally killed two planned invasions of D'hara.

And unlike some people who can't seem to separate themselves from their Enweilian characters, I tend to like IC/OOC separation.  OOC, I think Trinity Flockhart saved the Far East from falling apart from boredom.  IC, Jenred thinks she was the most embarrassing Ruler Arcaea ever had.  Arlian quite liked Riombara for a while, Colin despised it and thought Delvin was the worst thing to happen to the south by the time he died, Alistaire spied for it because he trusted Delvin's word.

Koli is a young, inexperienced, wishy-washy man who is in deep over his head, has made more mistakes than all the rest of the Bedwyrs combined, and is likely to continue doing so.  He oscillates between excessive force and avoiding conflict like the plague, and has a fairly obsessive need to be publicly liked.  But, he's fun.

No, I don't particularly like D'hara OOC, nor, at this point, do I care for you.  But that has very little bearing on what Koli thinks of it, and he doesn't have an opinion one way or the other for Machiavel.

Feel free to continue indulging the persecution complex you seem to love.  Stop insulting me as a player while you do so.
"You know what the chain of command is? It's the chain I go get and beat you with 'til ya understand who's in ruttin' command here!"