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Adjust the Zuma NPCS

Started by vanKaya, January 31, 2012, 08:38:35 PM

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I think we should find one or two more GMs to assist the current GM in playing the Zuma Daimons.

I think it will infinitely improve the flavor of the Zuma, and will stop any feelings of disillusionment that players are starting to experience over what they see as the "bullying" of the Zuma over player-realms.


(If you want to debate whether or not the Zuma are good/bad, please refer to the Dwilight thread currently in progress, this is chiefly to explore the idea of adding more GMs to the Zuma)
Fyodor, Terran.   Vitaly, Enweil.


Disclaimer: I'm not at all against the addition of more GMs to the Zuma, as long as it's done well; I just feel that there are some counterarguments that need to be made to the specific points in question.

Having multiple GMs run the Zuma in the past hasn't (from all I've seen) "improved the flavor", all it's done is add to the confusion, as one GM says one thing and the other says or does the opposite.

Having multiple GMs run the Daimons in the Fourth Invasion caused some serious problems both from an IC and OOC standpoint.

From everything I've seen in the Zuma thread, doing this would not pacify everyone. It would pacify you, because your particular beef is that there's one person running them. However, the way I read some of the other people's arguments, they object to the very fact the Zuma exist as a GM-controlled group in western Dwilight.

In all likelihood, the actions and policies of the Zuma would not change even if there were 1-2 more GMs added, as these actions and policies flow from Tom and the established Zuma RP—that which is known to the GM him/herself, not just that which is public to everyone.
Timothy Collett

"The only thing you can't trade for your heart's your heart." "You are what you do.  Choose again, and change." "One of these days, someone's gonna plug you, and you're going to die saying, 'What did I say? What did I say?'"  ~ Miles Naismith Vorkosigan


I'm really curious as to what benefit you think there will be fro adding more GMs to the Zuma team. Not that I'm saying this is a bad idea. I really don't know. But how would it affect what you refer to as their "bullying"? I think it would be safe to assume that the Zuma would still act the same, and follow the same policies, as they do now. Merely adding more Zuma GMs will not change that. It will not somehow add intra-Zuma conflict, or add it in a way that the players could somehow exploit. Not to mention the possible problems that could flow from inconsistencies between the two (or more) GM's behavior. A quick perusal of the other thread will show you how the players feel betrayed that one Zuma GM told them one thing, and the other told them something else.

I'm not trying to shoot this idea down or anything. But I'm curious as to how you would address these issues.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


Quote from: vanKaya on January 31, 2012, 08:38:35 PM
I think we should find one or two more GMs to assist the current GM in playing the Zuma Daimons.

Unless this request comes from the current GM, I will ignore it.

If you think he sucks and is doing a bad job and something needs to be done about it - have the guts to say so. If you don't think that, then kindly leave that decision to the guy who is putting his spare time and effort into providing you with some interaction. He gets absolutely nothing for it, and not pushing in other people without him wanting them there is the least I can do to honour his effort.


Quote from: Tom on January 31, 2012, 09:16:55 PM
If you think he sucks and is doing a bad job and something needs to be done about it - have the guts to say so.

Well, if you go over to the Dwilight pages...

Personally, I think he's doing an okay job--just nobody knows or appreciates that that job is.

Then again, I don't think anyone has actually approached the GM in-game and asked him, IC, "Why are the Daimons here on Dwilight?"

That's the question everyone is asking, but they are doing it OOC. I would love for someone to go ask them, IC.


Well, from an RP  view... Another GM would just form another faction within the whole Zuma Coalition. As long as the new GM would stay within the same cultural setting, I don't see why they couldn't disagree?


Quote from: Shizzle on February 01, 2012, 07:33:45 PM
Well, from an RP  view... Another GM would just form another faction within the whole Zuma Coalition. As long as the new GM would stay within the same cultural setting, I don't see why they couldn't disagree?

Ask that to Overlord on BT and you will get an answer. The short: Daimons don't have factions.

Draco Tanos

Wasn't there arguing over what to do between the daimons last invasion?  Some wanted to spare humanity, others wanted to destroy it or some such?


Quote from: Draco Tanos on February 02, 2012, 12:27:06 AM
Wasn't there arguing over what to do between the daimons last invasion?  Some wanted to spare humanity, others wanted to destroy it or some such?

I'm not sure. But then there is a difference between discussion and factions. In Solaria we might disagree with a course of action, or debate it internally. Publicly though we try to present a unified front behind the Arbiter. Factions would sort of imply that in addition to disagreements they are actively working against each other on some level.
Previously of the De-Legro Family
Now of representation unknown.


And, really, can you ever trust a daimon? Look at that stunt they pulled with Villriil.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


Quote from: Indirik on February 02, 2012, 04:13:17 AM
And, really, can you ever trust a daimon? Look at that stunt they pulled with Villriil.

Don't even mention that Indirik. It was stupid as hell. I didn't say anything about that in the General meeting because it felt weird. I should have said we should maybe be careful or something. Of course Tom doesn't just give out answers to stop daimons!


Quote from: Zakilevo on February 02, 2012, 05:33:43 AM
Don't even mention that Indirik. It was stupid as hell. I didn't say anything about that in the General meeting because it felt weird. I should have said we should maybe be careful or something. Of course Tom doesn't just give out answers to stop daimons!

He might, just so he could laugh when everyone just assumed he was lying and did the complete opposite.
Previously of the De-Legro Family
Now of representation unknown.

Draco Tanos

Honestly, if I asked him a question and he responded as the game master/owner/lord god and ruler?  I'd believe him.  I think he'd lose the respect of a lot of people if he started to just lie to us OOC to get an edge ICly.


.... but that would be confusing ooc and ic XD