Author Topic: Aurvandil's War Machine  (Read 83551 times)


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Re: Aurvandil's War Machine
« Reply #150: February 09, 2012, 05:34:19 PM »
How can you justify claning as fair play it is not. While you can argue all you want that while in game they do not excluded players from their realm but the fact they are a clan is exclusive. No matter what they do they are going to play their characters for the benefit of their clan. 

Because I am a very good Devil's Advocate when I want to be. Lets just take your two different statements:

For example lets say when nobles have to vote for their king clan members are going to be more likely to vote for a person inside their clan then just some random noble that joined their realm. I mean I know I am more likely to vote for my friend then I am for a random person even though I try to take my personal feeling out of the equation.

So you want to force people to vote for someone they do not know, for that random noble that joined their realm rather than someone they have already seen in action for a length of time and who, in all fairness, deserves it more (in their eyes) than the random noble?
Given the choice of someone who I had no idea about; or the person who I had been fighting alongside, who continually supported my actions and helped me... I know I would pick that person over the random person as well.
It's simple really, in Battlemaster characters makes relationships exactly for the point of having those other characters be in a position able to support them when the time arose. By your logic, I myself am in violation every time I voted for a Judge or chose a Marshal who happened to be friends with my character. And I am very sure that nearly every other character would be in violation too. It doesnt just make sense, it makes perfect sense. No one back then (same as right now) would be willing to vote a completely unknown person into a position of power over them, they would instead vote for one of their friends. Thats a fact of Real Life.

We all know that OOC information we get will  inevitably  be used in game. There is no one here that can say different. I mean if I said I was planning to over throw blank king and I had the support of enough nobles to do so. Who ever  character that is going to look a lot harder on finding the traitors in game then if I said nothing on the forum.
Yes that is true, and it annoys the hell out of me as a player and a roleplayer. And yet I have been told quite eloquently to just 'deal with it and shut up already' when I mentioned OOC being used. This is why anything I say on IRC is mostly crap talking out my arse, why? Because if that player then uses that OOC knowledge ingame, he gains no advantage and looks very foolish and looks like a liar. Its also why I, and other roleplayers, are being forced to limit our roleplays and what we "think" in them because there are people out there who will take it and use it, even if its clear that it shouldnt be used. Unfortunately it appears to be a fact of Battlemaster.

And now on to your other post:
Aurvandil win in the civil war with Madina was pretty much won because  Aurvandil  has a clan in it and Madina does not.  The whole claned moved to Aurvandil  regions and took the noble count way over what most realms have. Aurvandil has double the amount of nobles as any other realm. If there was not a clan this would not have happened. This makes the game unfair for the rest of the realms. They have no chance of gaining this many nobles especially on dwilight where it is one character per account and that is a lot of realm to chose from.

And? By that standard if I then recruited say 5 friends and they all chose to join Pian en Luries it would be unfair and we would be clanning. Sorry but unless you want to get Tom to start dictating to us exactly where we may have characters in what realms, then you will just have to deal with it and try to make your realm look more nice. Heck if I was going to make a new character when the civil war started, I would have chosen Aurvandil, it looks like a nice realm to play in from what I have seen of it, I like their government type and I can already see a character and his backstory for joining that realm. Then I look at Madina... sorry but I hear its worse that the Luria's for backstabbing and politicing. Do not like their government system either. I have a character in mind though - wouldnt like to play it however. And it certainly is not as fleshed out as the one I had in mind for Aurvandil. Then I look at the Moot realms, interesting but mostly seems peaceful and inactive, heck D'hara just looks boring with its fight for food. Look at the SA realms, check out SA itself, now I can see a good character for it, but SA is already developed and the realms seem quite stable and old save for that new one. Doesnt feel like I will have much to do in it, or chance to advance...maybe. Lurias/Fissoa... already experienced, could do it again - already have a completely different character in mind for it.

So then, out of those choices I would rank them thus for appeal-ability:

Now I want to try something new so drop Lurias/Fissoa... oh look Aurvandil.

Just because you think its obviously a clan because no one could possibly want to be there, doesnt make you right. If it was not for the fact that your war was now coming to an end, I would most likely have my next toon in Aurvandil.


Any time you ask someone to log in at a specific time (one hour before turn, 3PM GMT, etc.) it is a violation of the IRs, regardless of the communications channel used.

Agreed, what if however they were all simply logging in at that time because thats the timezone they were in/all got home etc etc etc etc?
To be True, you must first be Loyal.
Count Ramiel Avis, Marshal of the Crusaders of the Path from Pian en Luries