Author Topic: Aurvandil's War Machine  (Read 83396 times)


  • Noble Lord
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Re: Aurvandil's War Machine
« Reply #180: February 13, 2012, 01:56:40 PM »
So, one week (and 6 pages) ago I started my investment experiment, costing my family 210 gold. The advisers had expected a 190 gold return. Here are the results:

Stats Prior to Investment:
Code: [Select]
Region Tax Report   (8 hours, 12 minutes ago)
message to the lord and knights of Nifelhold
The following taxes were collected in Nifelhold. The tax rate for this collection was 14 % and the lords share was 10 %.

Regional income and expenses
Peasants Taxes           246 gold
Taxes from Guildhouses   + 1 gold
Buildings Upkeep - 10 gold
Militia Payment          - 46 gold
Collectable Tax Gold   191 gold
Estate of Size Peasants Tax Collected Knight Share Lord Share
Walter         40 % 2520               76 gold      68 gold     8 gold
Rohk         36 % 2268               68 gold            68 gold
Wild Lands 24 % 1512               22 gold            22 gold
Region Totals              166 gold      68 gold    98 gold

Stats After Investment
Code: [Select]
Region Tax Report   (6 hours, 51 minutes ago)
message to the lord and knights of Nifelhold
The following taxes were collected in Nifelhold. The tax rate for this collection was 14 % and the lords share was 10 %.

Regional income and expenses
Peasants Taxes          458 gold
Taxes from Guildhouses + 5 gold
Buildings Upkeep - 10 gold
Militia Payment         - 45 gold
Collectable Tax Gold 408 gold

Estate of Size Peasants Tax Collected Knight Share Lord Share
Walter         40 %     2520      163 gold     146 gold    17 gold
Rohk         36 %     2268      146 gold     146 gold
Wild Lands 24 %     1512       48 gold        48 gold
Region Totals              357 gold     146 gold   211 gold

Code: [Select]
Personal Income: +113 gold
Knight's Income: + 78 gold
Total Return:    +191 gold

1) Advisers do take into account your current tax rate when deciding the return on your family investment.
2) Family investments are not a lucrative use of family gold. I would likely be more efficient to ask my family for gold on a weekly basis and then bank it or place it in a guild. I effectively lost 20 gold through this transaction.