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Tax collection Bug

Started by Eithad, February 01, 2012, 09:40:04 PM

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I've checked the database and everything looks to be alright.

I think we should wait a couple more days until the tax collections are 100% free of any artifacts from the change.


just to add some data points... 7day vanilla tax in avengmil, bt
estimate a bit on the low side.


That is utterly strange. I've tripple-checked the code, and tax collection and tax estimates use the exact same formula. I don't see how they could differ, except by production within the region changing dramatically (as the tax estimate always uses todays production value).


Quote from: Tom on February 10, 2012, 10:00:38 AM
That is utterly strange. I've tripple-checked the code, and tax collection and tax estimates use the exact same formula. I don't see how they could differ, except by production within the region changing dramatically (as the tax estimate always uses todays production value).

...was the tax run on a 7 day cycle? I imagine the estimates would be way off for a 4-day tax run.


production is 100% atm.. (it says "production remains unchanged" during the whole of the tax period) estimate is atm exactly the same as the one just after the last tax 7 days ago

no investment, though there were a couple of monster or undead battle with militia in the last 2 turn or so. doubt many troops were lost as they were ranged and behind walls.. winning both times.

does the estimate include militia/building upkeep? bizarre if it doesn't and is still way lower..

Region Tax Report   (7 days, 10 hours ago)
Region Tax Report   (10 hours, 39 minutes ago)

assuming tax is calculated as (because i don't have it written down XD):
region's gold number (817) x tax rate (17%) x number of days (7)
then the actual tax collected (973) is about right (cf: calculated 972.23)

so... question is then... why is the estimate iffy? XD


Because the estimate accounts for estate efficiency and the gold collected does not.


A couple of regions in Barca recently produced a really low amount of gold, for no reason that I can see.

Thysan:   15 gold
One 50% estate, 50% vacant.
Population:       2628/3300
Estimated Region Gold
at full population :       233 gold
Tax Rate: 13%
Production: Busy

Twainwood:   20 gold
Estate Coverage: Two 50% estates
Population: 2335/5900
Estimated Region Gold
at full population :   321 gold
Tax rate: Unknown (investigating)
Production: Slow

Any ideas?


Quote from: Bael on February 10, 2012, 10:24:03 PM
A couple of regions in Barca recently produced a really low amount of gold, for no reason that I can see.

Thysan:   15 gold
One 50% estate, 50% vacant.
Population:       2628/3300
Estimated Region Gold
at full population :       233 gold
Tax Rate: 13%
Production: Busy

Twainwood:   20 gold
Estate Coverage: Two 50% estates
Population: 2335/5900
Estimated Region Gold
at full population :   321 gold
Tax rate: Unknown (investigating)
Production: Slow

Any ideas?

Need more information and the links don't work. So the regions tax collection is 15 and 20 gold over a 7 day tax period? The problems I see are population is low, production is slow, estates are probably too big to be at full efficiency. Need to see the actual tax report to see how much gold is collected and where its going.


huh? i thought you were saying actual tax collection is basically 100% efficiency for estates (aside from the vacant/wildlands) as opposed to the correct lower efficiency shown in estimates?

which actually sounds like you are onto something... at least regarding avengmil...

.. that said... different islands... d'hara had a 4 days tax... maybe i should post that too... (as soon as my trader with 10 men who expected to be fighting monsters alongside others gets out of prison)


Quote from: Eithad on February 10, 2012, 10:02:58 PM
Because the estimate accounts for estate efficiency and the gold collected does not.

That's a really good catch, you might be right. I'll look at that when I'm not tired.


i guess you found the problem? seems to be closer now..  just about all regions dropped in income too..

though production for avengmil did drop about 5% in the last few days.. and it did lose 8 gold to religious riots XD

the new estimate is from post tax @95% production


Looks like it's fixed. That the estimate isn't spot-on is to be expected, as it doesn't take daily fluctuations into account.


taxes collected for just about every region in riombara has gone up a bit this week (aside from fwuvoghor which has just lost the lord to emigration... and the regions with investment which has gone up a fair bit).

production for avengmil seems to have dropped a couple of % (now 93) some time during the 7 days (maybe when daimon son was captured? doesn't really say)... morale lower. no battles between the taxes. so estimates are low by ~30 a knight/lord when you compare with the previous estimate in above post.

is that still within the margin of error (for the estimate that is) or has it gone beyond?
(below is tax report and estimate after tax @93%)

for nebel, d'hara
last 2 full taxes (3 days ago, 10 days ago) basically identical.. ~183-184
estimate = 174 (that's after the lord's cut...) so that's quite close.


We still have a known bug open that tax collection does not actually apply efficiency. So with that in mind, things look correct otherwise.