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Tax collection Bug

Started by Eithad, February 01, 2012, 09:40:04 PM

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The effect seems to be most pronounce in regions without knights, cities appear to be not affected as far as I can tell. Numbers seem to be twice as high as they should be, or the estates page isn't updated with new numbers.

From the tax report

From the estates estimate page


are you sure tax period was 7 days? XD


That sure looks like a bug. The estimate should be pretty good, though never precise because it doesn't take stuff like trade balance into account. But in this specific case, the other factors are all minor and still the estimate is off.

I will have to check this out.


Seems to have happened in Barca and Luria Nova as well. I usually get ~120 gold as a knight, got ~500 this taxes.
d'Arricarrère Family: Torpius (All around Dwilight), Felicie (Riombara), Frederic (Riombara) and Luc (Eponllyn).


Quote from: JPierreD on February 04, 2012, 12:02:09 AM
Seems to have happened in Barca and Luria Nova as well. I usually get ~120 gold as a knight, got ~500 this taxes.

Oh my, can you imagine how the current war is going is escalate given these new incomes?
Previously of the De-Legro Family
Now of representation unknown.


Yep just happened to me too. Nice windfall actually. I feel like a Duke.

Region Tax Report   (56 minutes ago)
message to the lord and knights of Gelene Outskirts
The following taxes were collected in Gelene Outskirts. The tax rate for this collection was 12 % and the lords share was 20 %.

Regional income and expensesPeasants Taxes   1820 gold
Taxes from Guildhouses   + 1 gold
Buildings Upkeep   - 15 gold
Militia Payment   - 164 gold
Collectable Tax Gold   1642 gold
Estate of   Size   Peasants   Tax Collected   Knight Share   Lord Share
(vacant)   30 %   5790   246 gold      246 gold
(vacant)   20 %   3860   164 gold      164 gold
Lysander   30 %   5790   492 gold      492 gold
(vacant)   20 %   3860   164 gold      164 gold
Region Totals         1066 gold   0 gold   1066 gold

Lord and Duke SharesLord Share   1066 gold
Dukes Share   - 54 gold
Lords Tax Income   1012 gold


um... remind me how tax numbers are calculated....  (this is for nebel, dwi, the knight ivan)

this is the pop rebalance text for nebel...
(11 days, 22 hours ago)
The tax rate for this collection was 9 %
Gold Income   581   827   + 43 %

previous tax (7 day period)
(8 days ago)
Peasants Taxes   480 gold

current tax (8 day period - something went wonky and 1 day was added... don't think the cycle went wrong again, just this tax.. eh.. i think)
(1 hour ago) The tax rate for this collection was 9 %
Peasants Taxes   1114 gold

granted.. 1/2 the tax in the previous tax was under old system.. but still?

incidentally... estimate of a 40% estate = 155 gold (before lord share and all)

can't tell if the region i'm running in bt is affected or not... seeing as i ran an investment there.. but tax didn't double for certain between the recent and the previous taxes. despite similar gold increase in the rebalance text


6133--last d'hara tax 8 days ago
11521--today's tax

Not that I'm complaining!


Well, we did change lots of things there.

What I'm interested in is if the tax estimates and the actual taxes agree with each other.


for nebel, dwi, i don't think it does.
estimate <200 vs 8 days taxes of 400ish

for avengmil, bt... it might.
estimate (after investment finished) ~250 vs 8 days taxes ~350 <--- but that's after an investment of ~300 split between 3 nobles.


The TaxOverview page says that some regions--like cities--are close, while townslands are way off estimate.

I trust this won't be abused...


as for the overview page (which i guess if that lower pic?)... not sure you can read too much off that, because i don't think the "gold" number listed there is a tax estimate... it simply lists the number from regiondetails... (as far as i can see)... forgot how you calculate tax from that.

speaking of abuse... you know.. you can make a bugtracker note private... but not uploaded files?


Quote from: fodder on February 04, 2012, 05:42:51 PM
as for the overview page (which i guess if that lower pic?)... not sure you can read too much off that, because i don't think the "gold" number listed there is a tax estimate... it simply lists the number from regiondetails... (as far as i can see)... forgot how you calculate tax from that.

speaking of abuse... you know.. you can make a bugtracker note private... but not uploaded files?

Or send it in a PM to Tom. I know, I just figure that nobody is gunning for us at the moment, and besides, similar information can be gathered from the statistics.


Quote from: fodder on February 04, 2012, 05:42:51 PM
as for the overview page (which i guess if that lower pic?)... not sure you can read too much off that, because i don't think the "gold" number listed there is a tax estimate... it simply lists the number from regiondetails... (as far as i can see)... forgot how you calculate tax from that.

Correct. I would need the page where you see the tax estimates. I think it's on the estates page of the lord.


bear in mind that an investment was made somewhere between the last 2 taxes.. and halfway between 2and 3 taxes ago pop was rebalanced. (and i've been fiddling with rates between 16 and 17)

this is for avengmil, bt

rebalance text 12 days ago..
The region population rebalance has been applied to this island. The changes for your region are as follows:
   old   new   change
Population   8900   10200   + 15 %
Food Production   173   239   + 38 %
Gold Income   565   817   + 45 %