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Battletech beta game test run.

Started by Gustav Kuriga, December 11, 2011, 11:05:30 PM

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Gustav Kuriga

If you want to sign up for the main game, go to the game sign up page and look over the positions that are available. The test-run thread is in the Succession Wars thread.


Battletech FTW, to the creator of daishi, nice one.

anyway, Mechwarrior Online is gonna come out soon... *drools*

Gustav Kuriga

One... NECROMANCY!!! *ahem* Had to get that out of the way.

Two, this is about a different Battletech game, one that is an email based game. It is the work of just a few people like Battlemaster is. In actual fact, the person doing most if not all the work is someone from the diplomatic department of the United States government. I think he's in Ukraine right now, or in that general area.

So while I appreciate your enthusiasm for Battletech, this thread is not for Mechwarrior Online... so I would appreciate keeping that in mind.