Author Topic: Troop payment warning prior to joining tournaments.  (Read 8821 times)


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BM is a game that doesn't do handholding. I know the current trend in gaming is to tell you "press space to jump" for the first 10 hours of gameplay and then forever in loading-screen "hints", but I'm not joining that trend.

The basic principle of BM is the Unix principle: The game assumes that you know what you are doing and are aware of the consequences.

Funny how that isn't posted on the front page. What it does say is:

BattleMaster is a light-weight game that can be played alongside your other activities
New features are being added and gameplay and balance are constantly tweaked to improve the game further.
currently being redesigned with accessibility in mind (for our disabled players) and XHTML 1.0 transitional compliance.

How, exactly, is not reminding players that their troops won't autopay, fall in line with those three statements? Is requiring players to think about paying their troops a light-weight thing? Is adding a troop pay reminder not going to improve the game? Is keeping the reminder text out going to make it more accessible, whether you have a disability or not?

Tom, we don't expect a ton of hand-holding. But the page does not explicitly state that autopay will not function while at tournament and you cannot expect every player of a light-weight game to go read the wiki to find out that your character not being able to do anything else while at the tournament, actually means that your entire staff will be unable to pay your soldiers.

It's a simple text change. Adding a link to the pay page would be nice, too. Fixing autopay would be even better.
« Last Edit: February 14, 2012, 03:57:40 AM by egamma »