Author Topic: Re: Idea: Plate Mail  (Read 48117 times)


  • Honourable King
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Re: Idea: Plate Mail
« Reply #75: February 23, 2012, 01:02:47 PM »
I will add my voice to the growing number of people unsatisfied with the item system. I remember trying to even make sense of how to even go about speaking to Sages, let alone getting an item to them for repairs, and having to have the right stuff from gathering. Combine this with a degradation system where items disappear when they reach 0%, and it really gets frustrating. No one in any of my realms does role-plays of Unique items. De-Legro seems to be the exception of all of this, and considers himself the rule, no matter how many observations to the contrary.

Actually it is simple. Ask yourself this, are nobles still buying items? Do you still see items coming up in battles? If the answer is yes, then at least SOME subset of the player base is sticking with them.

Personally, the way items are implemented is NOT what I would choose to implement. That doesn't mean I think they are broken though, the system works fine so far as I can see, its just not to my preference. I always dislike that the artifacts in the Elder Scroll games would just disappear as well.

This is what I am trying to point out, there is a marked difference between, I don't like it or I would prefer to see x and saying, the system is broken.
« Last Edit: February 23, 2012, 01:07:55 PM by De-Legro »
Previously of the De-Legro Family
Now of representation unknown.