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Skyrim Mods

Started by Ramiel, February 24, 2012, 11:49:16 AM

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Quote from: Revan on March 23, 2012, 08:13:18 PM
Just a few quests? Don't know about anyone else, but I never felt like the mages guild was a short questline. If I never have to enter a dwemer ruin again, it will be too soon! >.<

One second I was learning to create wards... Next minute, I am sent to save the world, and then crowned arch Mage.. All in three or four quests. Boring.
What is Freedom? - ye can tell; That which slavery is, too well; For its very name has grown; To an echo of your own

T'is to work and have such pay; As just keeps life from day to day; In your limbs, as in a cell; For the tyrants' use to dwell


Quote from: Ramiel on March 24, 2012, 02:03:54 AM
Yup, very few quests, esp when compared to say Oblivion. As for Dwemer Ruins, you would NOT like the mod. The Dark Roads is pretty much dwemer and falmer based.

I have only hazy memories of the Mages Guild on Oblivion. Had the game on the 360 and a RROD meant that I was halfway through the Mages Guild quests for about two years until I finally got a replacement >.<

Quote from: Lefanis on March 25, 2012, 01:43:34 PM
One second I was learning to create wards... Next minute, I am sent to save the world, and then crowned arch Mage.. All in three or four quests. Boring.

Was it really only three or four quests? I though it was more, but maybe I'm including side-quests? Anyway those Dwemer ruins were absolutely endless. I really do feel like the lengthiest dungeons I've come across in Skyrim seemed to have been the ones I was thrown into by the College. That was the main sticking point for me. It felt lengthy, even if it was only a handful of quests.

Draco Tanos

Were there any magic restrictions, or skill restrictions, for factions or ranks in factions in Oblivion?  I know there was such a restriction to all factions and ranks in Morrowind (the best game in the modern aeries, imo.).


What is Freedom? - ye can tell; That which slavery is, too well; For its very name has grown; To an echo of your own

T'is to work and have such pay; As just keeps life from day to day; In your limbs, as in a cell; For the tyrants' use to dwell


Quote from: Draco Tanos on March 25, 2012, 10:57:24 PM
Were there any magic restrictions, or skill restrictions, for factions or ranks in factions in Oblivion?  I know there was such a restriction to all factions and ranks in Morrowind (the best game in the modern aeries, imo.).

Nope, none. Though I do recall it being perhaps a mite harder to wing your way through than it is in Skyrim. Certainly for the Mage Guild anyway. I think one quest you had to use several different spells/types of magic to progress and that stopped me in my tracks for a little while.



Are there any good and working Multiplayer mods yet?
King Grimrog Bjarnson of Asylon.


Quote from: Sir Grimrog Bjarnson on May 09, 2012, 01:48:01 AM
Are there any good and working Multiplayer mods yet?

I heard there's one in development called Elder Scrolls Online ;)


Quote from: Revan on May 09, 2012, 02:47:08 AM
I heard there's one in development called Elder Scrolls Online ;)

bleigh. I'd rather have a co-op of some sort


Quote from: Revan on May 09, 2012, 02:47:08 AM
I heard there's one in development called Elder Scrolls Online ;)

And what i heard about that so far have not made me interested so far. TES has epic lore and a awsome world, but the info where refering to WoW too much and gave me  the impression that they were going to follow the standard mmo mechanics... While I'd rather seen more of a sandbox...
King Grimrog Bjarnson of Asylon.


Quote from: Sir Grimrog Bjarnson on May 09, 2012, 10:49:58 AM
And what i heard about that so far have not made me interested so far. TES has epic lore and a awsome world, but the info where refering to WoW too much and gave me  the impression that they were going to follow the standard mmo mechanics... While I'd rather seen more of a sandbox...

Yeah same. Also, in TES the cool thing was you start out as a poor and weak prisoner, but eventually you grow unrivalled in your power. I don't see any way to put that second part in an MMO. And I also liked doing whatever you want in TES: killing random people (and reloading if you regret it) stealing everything that's loose, generally messing around ... I'm really sceptic towards TES:O. It almost feels like betrayal, going down the path of all those generic MMO's :/


Quote from: Sir Grimrog Bjarnson on May 09, 2012, 10:49:58 AM
And what i heard about that so far have not made me interested so far.

Agreed. But worst of all: it isn't being developed by Bethesda. Almost worst of all: it isn't using Skyrim's engine, it's using SW:TOR's engine. So it's very likely not going to have any of that Elder Scrolls feel to it.

Might not be much info, but all the info I've heard so far makes me completely uninterested in it.


Quote from: Nathan on May 09, 2012, 09:05:09 PM
Agreed. But worst of all: it isn't being developed by Bethesda. Almost worst of all: it isn't using Skyrim's engine, it's using SW:TOR's engine. So it's very likely not going to have any of that Elder Scrolls feel to it.

Might not be much info, but all the info I've heard so far makes me completely uninterested in it.

Then again, if it's not Bethesda there might be less bugs to deal with :P

I'm hoping for someone to convert Morrowind into Skyrim. Still the best TES I've played (III, IV and V)


New to Skyrim here. What mods do you suggest for a beginner? Or maybe I should first play without any mods and experience the game as it is?