Author Topic: Skyrim Mods  (Read 15819 times)


  • Mighty Duke
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Re: Skyrim Mods
« Reply #15: May 09, 2012, 09:51:06 PM »
Agreed. But worst of all: it isn't being developed by Bethesda. Almost worst of all: it isn't using Skyrim's engine, it's using SW:TOR's engine. So it's very likely not going to have any of that Elder Scrolls feel to it.

Might not be much info, but all the info I've heard so far makes me completely uninterested in it.

Then again, if it's not Bethesda there might be less bugs to deal with :P

I'm hoping for someone to convert Morrowind into Skyrim. Still the best TES I've played (III, IV and V)