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Republic Ruler appointing himself as Duke and Lord?

Started by JPierreD, February 27, 2012, 07:03:08 AM

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I've always liked the RTO option, but that's obvious.  The thing I don't like about requiring temples though, is that temples are something a lord has to build.  While it is advantageous to a faith to have support from lords, I don't see why it should be a requirement to RTO a region.  The concept of an RTO is to claim the region for the faith FROM HEATHENS, not to claim a region that already readily accepts the faith.  80% is damned hard to pull of in some areas.   Not to mention that you can get caught at any time, even without a single military unit there.
For most faiths that have such large followings it is because of numerous highly trained priests, well established followers that spread out, and a fairly elaborate infrastructure of shrines and temples to maintain and spread the faith.  It's not like Joe Shmoe starts a faith and then immediately claims every region he can travel to.  It takes lots of time, gold, and patient politicking to build a steady foundation.

As far as Auto de fe, I'm okay with it the way it is now.  If any change, I wouldn't require a temple, but I get it.  The region is already faithful, and is now trying to cast out heathen lords to resume a more faithful government. 
If claiming a region required a temple, than auto da fe should not.  The concept is either make way for the faith to come into power, or to restore that power.  By making both require temples make it so you can only reclaim, which gives religion nothing but crap.


Quote from: Psyche on March 02, 2012, 06:06:02 AM
I've always liked the RTO option, but that's obvious.  The thing I don't like about requiring temples though, is that temples are something a lord has to build.  While it is advantageous to a faith to have support from lords, I don't see why it should be a requirement to RTO a region.  The concept of an RTO is to claim the region for the faith FROM HEATHENS, not to claim a region that already readily accepts the faith.  80% is damned hard to pull of in some areas.   Not to mention that you can get caught at any time, even without a single military unit there.
For most faiths that have such large followings it is because of numerous highly trained priests, well established followers that spread out, and a fairly elaborate infrastructure of shrines and temples to maintain and spread the faith.  It's not like Joe Shmoe starts a faith and then immediately claims every region he can travel to.  It takes lots of time, gold, and patient politicking to build a steady foundation.

As far as Auto de fe, I'm okay with it the way it is now.  If any change, I wouldn't require a temple, but I get it.  The region is already faithful, and is now trying to cast out heathen lords to resume a more faithful government. 
If claiming a region required a temple, than auto da fe should not.  The concept is either make way for the faith to come into power, or to restore that power.  By making both require temples make it so you can only reclaim, which gives religion nothing but crap.

Yes to reclaim a region that was once so closely aligned with the faith that the THEN Lord established a temple. Reclaiming the region from the current heathens that pollute it. Much would hinge on the exact purpose Tom intended for RTO's which I confess I have no knowledge of.

While Autodafe can be used to kick out a Lord, it can also be used to kick out knights. To equate it to RTO's is rather odd. Sure both can remove Lords but their intended usage case is very different.
Previously of the De-Legro Family
Now of representation unknown.


Quote from: De-Legro on March 02, 2012, 04:48:34 AM
But neglecting that, in general if the region has 80% followers, then it is DAMN likely to have a temple don't you think? If you don't have a temple there, then you really aren't that established in the region. Just my opinion. The main thing this would stop is using RTO's on depopulated rogue regions.

As would adding a minimum follower count for it to work, without making it totally useless.

Quote from: De-Legro on March 02, 2012, 07:01:16 AM
Yes to reclaim a region that was once so closely aligned with the faith that the THEN Lord established a temple. Reclaiming the region from the current heathens that pollute it. Much would hinge on the exact purpose Tom intended for RTO's which I confess I have no knowledge of.

While Autodafe can be used to kick out a Lord, it can also be used to kick out knights. To equate it to RTO's is rather odd. Sure both can remove Lords but their intended usage case is very different.

Except you usually learn that you want to cast out a heathen lord AFTER to closes the temple, making it impossible to use this option in revenge. Imo, it's a bad requirement that should be lifted. Makes no sense for auto da fe to require a medium temple, but not declare religious state.
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