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militia under new estates?

Started by fodder, March 02, 2012, 02:48:10 PM

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who can recruit militia?

so far we've figured the following out.
using the same link  - RecruitGuards.php as shown up under command menu.

Lord of a city (who is also duke)
lord of a townsland who is also duke.

lord of a townsland (who isn't duke)

to find out..

lord of a city who isn't duke

duke+lord outside of his own region (but within duchy)
duke but not lord
duke+lord of anything but city/townsland/stronghold

is this something to do with not everything has been converted to the new system (ie.. it assumes duke = lord of city so can recruit if he's a lord).. or a feature (which might well not be implemented in full)?

it would be a bit weird to have rural lord made duke solely for the purpose of raising militia...


The game should tell you why when the option is not available. Why don't you follow those hints?


my question is more about whether i'm actually being able to recruit when i shouldn't be able to.

... here's something new... just stepped down as duke and kept the townsland lord position.. looks like i can still recruit (gives list of all militia choices).. will check again in another turn or 2 to see if anything changes... townsland lord didn't used to be able to recruit (as of a couple of months back)

my basic understanding is that only lord of city/stronghold can recruit.... so if it turns out townsland lords can recruit too, then it's a change that i didn't know about.. and has nothing to do with being duke


Quote from: fodder on March 02, 2012, 03:07:19 PM
my basic understanding is that only lord of city/stronghold can recruit.... so if it turns out townsland lords can recruit too, then it's a change that i didn't know about.. and has nothing to do with being duke

It has nothing to do with being a duke. Every region lord can recruit militia for his region.


ah... that's good to know. thanks.

T Strike

Quote from: Tom on March 02, 2012, 06:19:07 PM
It has nothing to do with being a duke. Every region lord can recruit militia for his region.

Wait what? On the 'Recruit guards'(i think that's what it is called) To defend the city' tab. It always says "You do not command any region. Go away!" or are we talking a different tab. Additonal details: Townsland region on Dwilight...
Westmoor: Cross... Coria: Yenom... Caelum: Gawain... Astrum: Ekirt


that's the bit.

you might want to recheck to see if it's changed for you.


Quote from: T Strike on March 03, 2012, 12:20:19 AMAdditonal details: Townsland region on Dwilight...
Need moar details!

Fill in the blanks:

My character name is: ___________
I am the lord of the region: ___________
The region type is: __________
I am the duke of my duchy (Yes/No): ________
I went to the URL: __________
...and clicked the link named: __________
I expected this to happen: _________
This is what actually happened: __________
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


I'm lord of townsland Raviel, DWI, and I have never seen the "recruit guards" link.


Ok just to clarify, is it or is it not intended that regional lords can recruit militia to defend their region.

The link is there but does not work, in order to file the bug report properly we need to know what the intent is.

Nevermind, its working now. Was not working yesterday.


Quote from: egamma on March 03, 2012, 04:17:10 AM
I'm lord of townsland Raviel, DWI, and I have never seen the "recruit guards" link.

The obvious minimum requirement is that you are in your region. I think if you aren't, the link won't even show up.


Quote from: Tom on March 03, 2012, 12:13:37 PM
The obvious minimum requirement is that you are in your region. I think if you aren't, the link won't even show up.

Well, sure, I knew that. I guess I rarely spend time there, I will check on my next visit.

T Strike

More details for Indirik:

Character name: Ekirt
Lord of the region Walefishire
Region type: Townsland
No not lord nor duke of a city...
The last time I tried it was about 2 weeks ago I believe. So I can't post the URLs
I expected it to come up with the name of my recruitment center and the ability to apply them as militia
And this is what came out of it "you don't command any region. go away" exactly like that...
Westmoor: Cross... Coria: Yenom... Caelum: Gawain... Astrum: Ekirt


it might have changed in the last week or even few days... as we only found out about it maybe 2-3 days ago.

T Strike

Yeah, I'll go visit my region before I do a refit. Hopefully, it'll work this time. :D
Westmoor: Cross... Coria: Yenom... Caelum: Gawain... Astrum: Ekirt