Author Topic: The Crusade against SA  (Read 182132 times)


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Re: The Crusade against SA
« Reply #285: June 22, 2011, 02:20:19 PM »
War was already declared, and there was a prisoner treaty with explicit articles about infils.
Well, yes, I know that. I was merely commenting on De-Legro's observation: "My understanding was your "royal" had used their status to avoid such a fate before, guess things just caught up with them." (Yes, I should have quoted it to make that clear...) In fact, Katja had once threatened one of my characters in this manner, giving me the "If you ban me, Enweil will destroy your realm" line. Coincidentally, we were already at war with Enweil at that time, too.

And the royal family was not the main source of outrage, very little of the calls for revenge actually came from them at all.
With a popular ruling family, that is quite often the case. Insult to the royal family is a good rallying call for those interested in steering the realm in a particular direction.
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