Author Topic: The Crusade against SA  (Read 182177 times)


  • Mighty Duke
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Re: The Crusade against SA
« Reply #345: July 05, 2011, 12:38:35 AM »
Yes, well, that was my idea, and the joke's on everyone who wanted to destroy SA. It was my brilliant (if I do say so myself) solution to the Entai problem. When Caerwyn stabbed us in the back, Astrum was in a pretty bad spot. We needed Morek's help ASAP, but their army was going to be unavailable until the Entai problem was solved. So, knowing that a big part of the dispute between Busto and Allison was Allison's desire to found a colony and Busto's refusal to let all those nobles go, I came up with a diabolical proposal. Allison would abandon Entai and do everything possible to facilitate Morek's reconquest of Aegir. In return, she and her followers would be offered a place in Astrum to help us fight and, assuming the war went well, Astrum would support a colony for her and her followers in Golden Farrow.

Out of this Faustian bargain, Rowan got 10+ nobles for Astrum's war effort, Morek's army in the field weeks before it would have been available otherwise, and instant unity within what had previously been a fractured Church. It didn't cost Rowan a thing, either. Busto and Allison both respected him enough that as soon as the offer was made, it was virtually a done deal. Given the course of the war, it looks like Golden Farrow will eventually be home to the newest Theocracy of Sanguis Astroism, our detractors be damned.

We aren't *trying* to conquer the whole continent, but if people keep screwing with us the way they have been it might just happen anyway  :)

I like my part in all of this.  I secede, start a civil war in Morek and then con Baal.  He attacked Astrum because he thought they were weak and now I am leading Astrum's army against Caerwyn and I just looted Baal's region, Itaufield. 
Kabrinski Family:  Nathaniel (EC), Franklin (BT), Aletha(DWI)