Author Topic: Dwilight Travel Times  (Read 17013 times)


  • Exalted Emperor
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Re: Dwilight Travel Times
« Reply #15: March 12, 2012, 01:03:43 PM »
So if the D'Haran traders aren't complaining about travel times, then anyone who is complaining is a war monger looking for an easier long distance war?

Just because people who complain about something aren't within your small sphere of awareness doesn't make their opinions invalid.

Did the Caerwynians complain that travel was too long? Did the Springdalians? Did the Lurians? Did the Madinians?

Because the only serious echoes I get is from the SA bloc, which leaves me really no other reaction than "suck it up or seek war next door as everyone else does".

I've heard some others lament about how the length was making it hard for them (Fissoans), but not actually request that it be changed.

What's so bad about dwilight travel times, anyways? Travel through the sea routes? The rogue lands? How long are the travels between civilized regions? My experience says that's just the same as everywhere else. And the mass of civilized lands on Dwi is already larger than some other continents. If the SA bloc is starting to get bored, then all it has to do is turn on itself, there already each have a ton of neighbors they could turn against. And some of their governments have dubious respect of faith teachings, as well, with non-believers in government or ex(?)-heretics in rulership.

If the SA bloc could manage crusades against Thulsoma and Caerwyn, then they can all manage wars with any current existing SA realm. Asking for travel changes now that you completely eliminated all nearby non-SA realm (your own damn fault) is just another way of asking for easy mode, of asking for the game to be tailored for your own individual whims so that you don't have to bother even trying to make things interesting for yourselves as every other realms in the game does.

You've all gotten together to gank and completely eliminate all nearby opposition, completely eliminating all possibilities of recurring conflict with these actors. Now don't come to whine that your next targets are just too far away. The absence of non-SA realms closer to home is of your own doing, and the absence of war between SA realms is also of your own doing.

Asking for reduced travel times is just a hidden request for special privileges, now that it would advantage yourselves more than anyone else.
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