Author Topic: Dwilight Travel Times  (Read 17004 times)


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Re: Dwilight Travel Times
« Reply #30: March 13, 2012, 10:53:37 PM »
So, you joined D'Hara because you liked the isolation. And now you want travel times lengthened, especially for people not in their own realm. That sure sounds to me like "a request for unfair preferential treatment, masked by a generic request of generalizable changes."

Exactly. If some are allowed to do such scandalous requests, why wouldn't I? You can't go claiming that nobody wants longer travel times, now.

In case you didn't grasp it, I was not serious. I wouldn't mind longer travel, but I do not deem it acceptable to change travel times at this time.

Well, considering you don't have the best relations with the Madineans, Lurians or Astroists... I would say you only are cozy with the fellow 'moot. Am I wrong?

Yes. On all counts. Madinians tried to kiss our ass, we refused. They are done for anyways, why bother? The Lurias are not united, few are hostile. As for SA, the only issue is Kabrinskia. I dare suspect we have more friends in SA than they do too.

That is Dwilight for you, the rest have it much worse.

Not really. Morek has a ton of realms at marching distance. D'Hara does not.

Mind you, I *like* that about D'Hara. But it ain't for nothing that the northern tournaments attract a whole lot more people than ours did.
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