Author Topic: Idea for an in game reason why there are no navies in Battlemaster  (Read 11738 times)


  • Exalted Emperor
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Does D'hara roleplay that as a fact?

D'Hara is generally RPed as being something like Venice or Sicily. Some italian costal city-state.

Now, I exagerated in my original comment, but there have been RPs that would go along the lines of D'Harans often being employed as sailors by foreign powers and a good chunk of the Mediterranean's commercial fleets (that haul goods and people from port to port, regardless of origin) as being of D'Haran origin, given how D'Hara has a history of neutrality, is in the middle of the sea, and is strongly trade-oriented.

I know I've joked on at least a few occasion that Madinians were sea-sick land pirates, and that D'Harans were the true sailors of the world, since Madina is mostly one big isle and that the vast majority of them never crossed more water than the extremely narrow trait between Candiels and Tower Fatmilak, on top of their usually poor performances when they fight after sea travel (in Paisly or Candiels). I think I've seen others joke about this at least once too.

Claiming that *all* sailors and boats are D'Haran would be a bit over the top, imo, but D'Harans have RPed themselves as being the true masters of the seas. Not to mention that the faithful of Verdis Elementum (main religion) majoritarily dedicate themselves to the study of the element of Water.

After all, one must take the boat 3 times to cross the whole realm, and we feed ourselves via our traders who regularly take these awfully long sea routes to access the various markets.
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