Author Topic: Archery as a tournament skill  (Read 5602 times)


  • Noble Lord
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Re: Archery as a tournament skill
« Topic Start: March 09, 2012, 11:16:52 PM »
But as I said before, if you want archery to be added to a tournament, then please find and cite historical references where nobles of high rank and status competed in actual archery tournaments. This subject comes up on a regular basis. And unless you can cite actual historical evidence, you're not going to change Tom's mind on this one. Which is why it's listed as a "Frequently Rejected" request.

So what the opposing argument boils down to is "You can't find a real life example of it so we won't add it, nyah nyah nyah".

It's a game ffs. The fact archery as a tournament event keeps popping up is a clear indication some players would find it a nice addition. Would adding it somehow ruin the whole atmosphere of the game? I seriously doubt it. So what's the real reason other than an odd fixation for "it must have happened in real life for it to be added"? An utterly ridiculous standard that other feature requests sail on by without problems.
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