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Fontan vs Westmoor III: third times a charm

Started by Iltaran, March 26, 2012, 01:04:36 PM

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Quote from: feyeleanor on April 27, 2012, 02:12:46 PM
Fontan's been living on borrowed time for a year now. Having the Aurvrandil clan move in gave her a brief blaze of old glories but I don't expect them to stick around for a real war, not unless they can have the realm to themselves, and the goodwill Basilius and Rhidhana tried to build with both Sirion and Nivemus has been left to whither by subsequent governments so help will be slim.

However Westmoor will prove as treacherous a neighbour to Nivemus as she has to Fontan so the prospects for a war which sucks in Sirion may be good once Fontan falls. As to whether Sirion finally learns to fight offensively though is another matter. I suspect a repeat of the Northern War with everything beyond the Sirion River falling but that splendid ring of fortresses keeping the southern forces at bay.

I doubt Sirion ever getting that disturbed by other realms as you stated. Unless some inner turmoil develops and allows things to be shaken up. Those elves have got it good up there... haven't their borders stayed predominantly the same the pass 6 years besides a shake up or two in dale and tabost?
I think like a sinner. Curse like a sailor. Smile like a saint. :)


Quote from: Arrakis on April 27, 2012, 03:10:37 PMThe reason that there are ibladesh nobles there is pretty laughable as one has to ask himself why didn't caligus and co. [/i]...snip...[/i] Ibladesh nobles were there all the time, and there was no way perdan or caligus didn't know that. It is suspicious they are using this just now to trigger the invasion.
It was obvious from the start that if CoI got a hold in Fontan that Perdan and/or Claigus would go after them. Those two realms were going full-bore to wipe it out. I am fairly certain that I told the Fontan Assembly that if they allowed CoI to take hold in Fontan, that Caligus and/or Perdan would come after them.

Quoteinvade fontan sooner then, and why did perdan specifically told they won't interfere as long as it is 1v1.
Umm... is Perdan intervening yet? I thought this was just Caligus. Maybe Perdan will get involved. They do need to do something.

QuoteAlso, one noble boasting that sirionite lords are funding fontanese nobles in their war with westmoor is not a reason good enough to join the war, because from what i know that is not true at all, and makes for a very slim interpretation of this not being a 1v1 war anymore.
Who cares if it's true? As long as you can claim it's plausible, then you can make it a good case for war.

If everyone in the game saw everything logically, and demanded hard proof of everything, and looked at it all from an OOC logical viewpoint, then this would be a very boring game. Sometimes you just have to make stuff up. That how this last big bout of warfare started when Fontan broke Federation with Sirion/OR. Somebody made up some reason for war, and went for it.

QuoteTo conclude, finger down for this gangbang. Thank you for destroying the continent.
Pfft... Sour grapes. Fontan should be trying to get Sirion on their side now. After all, Sirion doesn't want to see Westmoor expand. There is ample reason for Sirion to get involved, assuming they are not involved already. It only remains to be seen if Sirion has the guts to do it.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


Sirion better gets involved or a potentially fun war will be over in 5 minutes.


Quote from: Lorgan on April 27, 2012, 09:01:09 PM
Sirion better gets involved or a potentially fun war will be over in 5 minutes.

Doubt it. If I am elected it won't happen lol. Once Caligus withdraws and Nivemus finishes rebuilding, we might fight Perdan and Westmoor at the same time.


Quote from: Zakilevo on April 27, 2012, 10:07:52 PM
Doubt it. If I am elected it won't happen lol. Once Caligus withdraws and Nivemus finishes rebuilding, we might fight Perdan and Westmoor at the same time.

I can live with that. :)

Draco Tanos

Quote from: feyeleanor on April 27, 2012, 02:12:46 PM
However Westmoor will prove as treacherous a neighbour to Nivemus as she has to Fontan so the prospects for a war which sucks in Sirion may be good once Fontan falls. As to whether Sirion finally learns to fight offensively though is another matter. I suspect a repeat of the Northern War with everything beyond the Sirion River falling but that splendid ring of fortresses keeping the southern forces at bay.
Like we were to the Obsidian Islands?  You know, acting as stewards for their land in the peninsula, repairing them, then returning them?

Westmoor never betrayed Fontan.  Period.  Any messages between Flaylen and Gregor and other realms were never sent to the other members of the realm.  The Kingdom itself was told it was to prevent Fontan's outright destruction or something.  Was a while ago, so I confess I don't recall the details, however it was played as worked out between Flaylen and Fontan.  Gregor's actions were his own.  Don't blame Westmoor for things he says or do.

From Westmoor's standpoint, we were the ones betrayed.  It was Fontan who broke the Alliance, Fontan who declared war, Fontan who attacked our people and our lands. 

And two monarchs later?  It is Fontan who demands land, treasure, and frankly, power, in return for peace.  All the while their number of troops were rising.

Westmoor tried to make a fair peace, but was rebuffed.  Westmoor knows Fontan's always had plans to betray us (such information leaked during the tenure of virtually every monarch I've served with in Westmoor).  If Fontan absorbed Westmoor, it eyes would have eventually fallen on Ashforth to "restore" their lands.

Flaylen betrayed alliances.  Westmoor did not. 

A King is the embodiment of a Kingdom until they are no longer King.  As more information was revealed, Flaylen was protested out and no longer king.

Quote from: Sonya on April 27, 2012, 02:27:03 PM
The only excuse that Caligus has is opportunism, i don't believe on that garbage about 1v1, about other realm helping, etc.

The facts are that Westmoor were crying all over the ruler channel for help, they came to the forums to cry OCC as well!

What will they do? War every realm who harbors Ibladesh, then the War will continue forever! you can erase a nation (Lies just the FLAG)  but no the nobles. Once a nation is destroyed those nobles make another stronger.

Is funny how Caligus comes with arrogance now, they have no merits in the EC, nothing of what they have have got them by themselves.

Come on, finish this quick!
Except your facts are lies. 

Caligus (and Perdan) warned about harboring certain members of the leadership of Ibladesh and their families.  If they don't do this, no one will take their warnings/threats seriously.  Perdan was the one that mentioned 1v1, not Caligus.

Westmoor, being myself, did not "cry all over the ruler channel for help".  On the contrary, I have said very little over the ruler list.  Nor have we "cried" on the forums.  We did, however, express concern about a clan in Fontan.  A concern which was obviously backed up by the Magistrates, the Devs, and most importantly, by Tom.  Also, it's OOC, for Out Of Character.

What will Caligus and Perdan do?  Oh, I certainly do hope they enforce their anti-Ibby edict.  It's the only way they will be taken seriously.  Though mind you, they're not persecuting all former members of Ibladesh.  Simply Ibby leadership (of the Church especially) .  Their main goal is, mind you, to destroy the remaining Ibby temples to demolish the religion.  This is something that they can very well do.

Funny is that Fontan claims Westmoor will betray Nivemus/etc...  When Fontan's the one known for betraying and destroying many of their closest allies over the years.  Get over yourselves :)


I already said it, finish this quickly!

Then all those 50+ Fontan nobles will move somewhere (Sirion/Armenia/epo...something) and start over again, the most comical part is that Westmoor used to be a Duchy of Fontan, seceded after a back stabbed attack from Perdan, blah blah blah.. see my point?

Everything is the circle of the game, now my only concern... drinks hoping for the war to be bigger, longer and entertaining.


Draco Tanos

Quote from: Sonya on April 27, 2012, 10:27:45 PM
I already said it, finish this quickly!

Then all those 50+ Fontan nobles will move somewhere (Sirion/Armenia/epo...something) and start over again, the most comical part is that Westmoor used to be a Duchy of Fontan, seceded after a back stabbed attack from Perdan, blah blah blah.. see my point?

Everything is the circle of the game, now my only concern... drinks hoping for the war to be bigger, longer and entertaining.

Um.  First I've ever heard THAT story.  What with everyone saying Westmoor and its regions were claimed in war, etc.

On the contrary, when the Duchy of Krimml defected to Perdan (when they controlled Westmoor), it was RETURNED TO FONTAN.

So either many old line Perdan/Westmoor/Caligus players are lying...  Or you're really confusing duchies.  I somehow think it's the latter. :)


Quote from: Sonya on April 27, 2012, 10:27:45 PM
Then all those 50+ Fontan nobles will move somewhere (Sirion/Armenia/epo...something) and start over again, the most comical part is that Westmoor used to be a Duchy of Fontan, seceded after a back stabbed attack from Perdan, blah blah blah.. see my point?

No, Westmoor was a duchy of Perdan. It seceded peacefully, according to long-laid plans.

I should know; I was there.
Timothy Collett

"The only thing you can't trade for your heart's your heart." "You are what you do.  Choose again, and change." "One of these days, someone's gonna plug you, and you're going to die saying, 'What did I say? What did I say?'"  ~ Miles Naismith Vorkosigan

Draco Tanos

Ahh.  Here I thought she meant Westmoor seceded from Fontan to join Perdan. 

But yeah, it was a peaceful secession from Perdan to form their own realm, as was planned the entire time. 


I think Perdan conquered Westmoor from Fontan and then subsquently seceded it though. So... Fontan does hold claim to /all/ of Westmoor.

Draco Tanos

So do the Oligarchians, the Ragusauceians (Both Old and original flavors!), etc.

Actually, as we were founded as the successor/restoration of Oligarch, we tecnically have claim on Oberndorf, Commonyr, Ashforth (which we have no intention of pressing), and Braga.  In addition to all of our traditional territories.


Well, you weren't really founded as the restoration of Oligarch (or else you would be governed completely differently) and Nivemus isn't really OR either, and if they were, they'd have to bring their claim back to the older rancagua anyway. The only realms who can historically claim (part of) your lands are Fontan (and Perdan).

Fontan gets to claim quite a lot though... :P


I am not talking about claim (sorry if i am hard to get :P ), I talk about how twisted the history on BM is.


Draco Tanos