Author Topic: Not being able to kick out priests of a religion  (Read 24753 times)


  • Guest
That was exactly what you were worried about the several times we discussed this among the dev team.

This is not practical. The way religion is structured, you would have to exclude all but a privileged and trusted few from the ranks of "full members," who are the ones who have options to do anything within a religion.

Furthermore, Tom, if this was part of the design decisions that went into religion in the first place, this was never communicated to the players. Nor even to the dev team. Asking them to change the structure of their religions so drastically now, because you have come up with the idea that "religions should choose their priests carefully," is a huge imposition.

Please rethink this, Tom. I believe that the position you have taken will be seriously detrimental to the game as a whole. It is not simple, it is not easy to understand, it is not newbie-friendly, it is not even user-friendly. It empowers griefers at the expense of regular players, as long as those griefers have the minimum amount of sense necessary to keep their griefing totally in-character—and that is the exact opposite of the message we want to be sending and the atmosphere we want to be creating.

I agree 100% with Anaris. Tom you do not need to make the whole thing too complicated. You have a totally different idea of the current religion system from many players. If you look at SA for example they have 70 full members. Every single one can become a priest at will. Why do you want to limit things when there aren't that many priests around in the first place? Choosing priests carefully? When any full member can become one if they want?