Author Topic: Not being able to kick out priests of a religion  (Read 24684 times)


  • Mighty Duke
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You are assuming that any schism mechanic will, in fact, assign peasant followers to individual priests. That's a huge assumption.

not so much assumption but rather something that makes sense.

for the band aid...

what exactly are you trying to prevent?

someone looking up locations of temples - they are not really hidden. anyone passing by would see it. you can look up every region in your realm too. tedious. need chums from other realms... <---don't bother.

someone using message list of religion (to find members, or whatever)... <--- hidden ranks?

someone preaching to peasants / influencing them
building shrines to - 1)waste your global treasury 2)annoy other realm/religion
knocking down shrines?

anything else?

a quick boot is no good.. imagine this.. there's a priest who did all the preaching and gathering followers. someone else came in as elder and boots him and the priest ends up with nothing? doesn't make sense.