Author Topic: Not being able to kick out priests of a religion  (Read 24647 times)


  • BM Dev Team
  • Exalted Emperor
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  • Posts: 8228
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    • BattleMaster
It'll be many months, if not years. There is no current activity on implementing shisms.

The problem is that at the time of the "ban", we don't yet know what the victim wants to do. Just leave, schism, try to cling on? We also do not currently have a place to store this "banned from church" information in order to delay it (like bans are) so he can make a choice we can react to.

Basically, anything discussed so far requires changes not only to the code, but also to the database. And during a total code conversion like we are still doing, that's not going to happen unless it is really important. And sorry to say that, in a game with 1000 players and 6 game worlds, a single current case simply isn't important.