Author Topic: Not being able to kick out priests of a religion  (Read 24628 times)


  • Honourable King
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Most players don't say anything, ever. In this game, you can do the equivalent of having the queen strip naked and gangbang the palace guard and people will barely say a word.

Sure, if you run one of those dead religions that exist only to fill a vacuum and that no one really cares about. If you did the above things in the halls of SA, you'd be lucky to survive the ensuing avalanche of message traffic with your sanity intact. There are other religions I have experience with that are plenty vibrant even without approach what goes on in SA, like the Way of the Hammer on AT, or the Church of Ibladesh, pre-butt whooping. I'm sure there are others.

I agree with Indirik. If no one can be bothered to kick up a fuss, then the priest probably was a lone whackjob, wasn't he? How else could he first stir up enough trouble to get kicked out and then have absolutely no one stand up for him? If no one cares, no one's going to care what he does. If someone cares, then there's conflict and there will likely be a fuss over him getting kicked out.