Author Topic: If this is a joke...  (Read 30523 times)


  • Mighty Duke
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Re: If this is a joke...
« Reply #45: April 01, 2012, 06:08:06 PM »

a) How do you know it's going to go "poof"?
b) If it does go "poof", how do you know it's not going to provide you an IC explanation?
c) If it does not, and you came up with IC explanations for its appearance, can you not also come up with IC explanations for its disappearance?

a) Because Tom as much as acknowledged that it's a joke a few posts back. It's a pretty strong implication.
b) I'd be interested to know what explanation they can provide that wont be a crummy one. In some game worlds they could simply say "It turns out the daimon invasion was nothing more then the result of hallucinogenic mushrooms being accidentally mixed into the realm's wine supply". But in SMA worlds that's just stupid. The only good explanation would be if the invasion was in some way real, like if Daimons really did open portals to the other continents and that at some point they may actually try to invade them but at this time they didn't really have the resources and were just doing it for show to try and get a quick surrender.
c) basically the same problem as b