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Aeryth Online: A Virtual World

Started by angelbread22, March 14, 2013, 04:44:50 AM

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Hello, everyone~

I'd like to present you guys with a new game my friends and i are trying to create. I'm a previous FTO player, and a dissatisfied one at that. So, what is the solution you come to when you can't seem to find satisfaction with a game that's one of its kind? Why, attempt to create a new one, of course.

It's my pleasure to let you guys in on our new project. We want to create a game that's for the players. We want your input. We yearn to know what you desire in a text-based game based of a virtual world. We want to implement game mechanics that make the community happy. And we want your suggestions.

I know, we're a bit in over our heads for a bunch of young adults sitting in a basement. :P

In the words of our concept designer:

Welcome to your new reality. I hope you like it here- after all, it's a world of your own creation. Feel free to make it into everything you have ever desired and more. That is, after all, the point of this, to create and destroy, change and manipulate, grow- I want to take two steps forward and five steps back with you as we discover other races and learn new languages. We'll climb mountains, blaze trails, and bend the elements to our will. We'll laugh, fight and cry our way through bloody tragedies and grand achievements. We will, above all, live.

Aeryth Online is being created in order to meet the human psyche's need to create and live outside of one's self. It starts with the beginning of the world, with each race having its own 'Adam' and 'Eve,' so to speak. Each race is formed by and in the image of their very own patron god or goddess, bored supernatural beings who came together to make a new world and watch as it fills itself with strife, chaos, and fantastic feats of heroism.

We invite you to be born as one of the firsts and populate this world as you learn how to survive and thrive in various environments and climates. Become a legend, and remember...

Enjoy Your Journey,

Thanks for taking the time to look at this. If you find us interesting (and we hope you do) swing by and join our brainstorming efforts. Our forum at the moment is
