Author Topic: Questions about the Som System  (Read 8798 times)

Draco Tanos

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Re: Questions about the Som System
« Reply #15: April 03, 2012, 11:06:16 AM »
There are some basic rules about RPing, they can be found on the wiki. I believe on of them says RP can not contradict previous RP. So the universe is established somewhat already.
And by right, I can easily say your character is mistaken in their perception.  Or perhaps every time you RPed, two of the three moons were "new moons".  Believe those very same rules you mention endorse the "Yes, but..." approach.

If someone wants to call the sun "Som" or "Blabla" or "shiney-thing-in-the-sky-that-hurts-my-eyes", he can do so.

But none of that is, has been or ever will be official.
Tom, not looking for official names (as I said, I prefer the idea of those being shaped by various in game religions/cultures/realms).  What sort of things are near-world?  How many moons, if any?  One sun, two, what colors?

I am all for players fleshing out the world and its history, but there are certain things that shouldn't be really left up to the players, like the above, because they would be wildly different and it doesn't make sense.  Now, don't get me wrong, it's easy to say there USED to be more, but I'm wondering about the here and now in the game world.

What exactly it *was*, was very subjective. Some cultures/religions forcibly suppressed that knowledge. Assuming universal agreement about any type or nature of object seems pretty ludicrous. They routinely determined this not by observation but by logic. "It is this way because it makes a circle, and circles are perfect.", a rainbow has seven colors because someone thought 7 was a mystic number of supernatural significance, etc. So, yeah, people may agree that there is a big white object in the sky, but what is it? a moon? What's a moon? And why would we call it "the moon?" We should name it after our god's mistress.

Another reason to *not* set this stuff in stone is the way it limits creativity and RP. For example, if you set the celestial objects in canon, then the Bloodstars could never have been formed. No one can posit the existence of a second, hidden moon.
All Celestial objects?  No.  Certain things that would show daily because of their near orbit?  Yeah. 

Comets?  No.
Moons?  Yes.
Asteroids?  No.
Stars?  No.
The Sun(s)?  Yes.

Not named, just established in final numbers.