Author Topic: Fontan's Surprising Strength  (Read 48485 times)


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Re: Fontan's Surprising Strength
« Reply #90: April 05, 2012, 11:27:47 PM »
I think it took around 5 realms to take Averoth down in there capital... A stronghold region.

That's how many were involved, but the battles were not close. We completely crushed them. We might easily have done it with less. Of course we'd learned hard lessons fighting Thulsoma, so we applied maximum force for no other reason than that we were sick and tired of dealing with these characters and we could.

In response to the overall thread it is unfortunate that this particular group of players gets pilloried regularly, but speaking as someone who dealt with them for a long time, they are very frustrating to interact with. They're highly unpleasant IC, at least to those they have identified as enemies. They are also incredibly efficient in comparison to other realms, so much so that they almost always provoke suspicion and disbelief from their opponents. When what you're seeing goes drastically against the norm that you've observed everywhere else for years, one almost can't help but wonder if cheating or clanning is involved. I know I certainly suspected as much when I first encountered them, although it turns out in my case that I was justified once the family gold loophole exploit was revealed.

In response to Arch Saxon, it's not that those who were in Thulsoma are now permanently tarred so much as it is that the same pattern observed there has continued to repeat itself over and over again in realms populated by a particular group of families. It is this group that has come to be known by the OOC moniker of 'Saxons' since Thulsoma is where the pattern began, or at least where it became (in)famous.

I know the pattern well by now. It can almost always be traced to a particular group of players. I don't think they necessarily cheat either, but they almost certainly power game. There's no other word for how they're able to be so efficient in comparison to other realms. In response to Lorgan, I will say that they make very challenging enemies from the mechanical point of view, and they really make you hate them IC, but no thank you. I found dealing with them to be a very unpleasant and stressful experience as a player, and I can tell you that I'd be more than a little bitter if they'd succeeded in destroying what my character built due to the methods that they use. No one likes playing against a poor sport, which they are in both IC and OOC senses in my opinion.