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The Terran-Kabrinskian Conflict

Started by Perth, April 04, 2012, 08:43:01 PM

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Quote from: Arrakis on April 08, 2012, 05:48:29 PM
I am pretty sure this will escalate if Kabrinskia attacks Asylon's regions. That would cook things up as Asylon would then retaliate. Since Allison should want their allies to interfere, and knowing her character, I think it's likely this will happen.

I tend to be of the same opinion.

Quote from: Galvez on April 09, 2012, 03:55:56 AM
This could also be your chance to get rid of Allison. I assume Terran would settle for a change of leadership within Kabrinskia.

Indeed. Shaming Allison is probably the best objective to have for Terran and its allies.

Quote from: Vellos on April 09, 2012, 05:39:32 AM

I see one of three results:
1. One of us slips up/decides to escalate and it becomes a full-on fight between Kabrinskia and allies and Terran and allies.
2. We fight back and forth, looting, then get some kind of brokered settlement
3. We fight back and forth, no settlement is reached, we drive the frontier area rogue, and it remains that way as we periodically march across the wastes to loot each other

Not gonna lie: I'm hoping for #3. The idea of a constantly contested, depopulated border wasteland where both sides are committed to hurting the either, but neither side is powerfully interested in actual conquest, sounds entertaining to me. I can just imagine the RP where young nobles of Terran cut their teeth by staging daring raids into Kabrinskia (and vice versa).

Don't count on D'Hara to help this happen. Having Golden Farrow closed to our traders for an extended period of time would make me quite grumpy. We don't need Golden Farrow to get to anywhere, but the thought of that sea route being closed off goes against everything we stand for.

All your sea lanes are belong to us.
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Quote from: Chénier on April 09, 2012, 09:56:52 PM
Don't count on D'Hara to help this happen. Having Golden Farrow closed to our traders for an extended period of time would make me quite grumpy. We don't need Golden Farrow to get to anywhere, but the thought of that sea route being closed off goes against everything we stand for.

What an useful ally...
d'Arricarrère Family: Torpius (All around Dwilight), Felicie (Riombara), Frederic (Riombara) and Luc (Eponllyn).


Quote from: JPierreD on April 09, 2012, 10:39:31 PM
What an useful ally...

What an useful ally... Terran would be for blocking a major trade route to their trader realm ally.

An eternal war is not in the 'moot's best interests, regardless of what some warmongers in it may wish. It isn't because Terran only has one non-moot border that it becomes the only one we should all concern ourselves with, either.

D'Hara would never vouch for any prolonged war.
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The funny part of this is that Terran freaked out over a Trader in their lands.  D'haran traders regularly go through Golden Farrow without ever announcing themselves.  I brought this up to Hireshmont in front of the other Rulers and he didn't have a good answer.  That right there helped me look better to a few of the other rulers.
Kabrinski Family:  Nathaniel (EC), Franklin (BT), Aletha(DWI)


Quote from: dustole on April 10, 2012, 01:28:42 AM
The funny part of this is that Terran freaked out over a Trader in their lands.  D'haran traders regularly go through Golden Farrow without ever announcing themselves.  I brought this up to Hireshmont in front of the other Rulers and he didn't have a good answer.  That right there helped me look better to a few of the other rulers.

Except that D'Hara doesn't go provoking Kabrinskia every time they can. And when they do so, it's to deal with your friends to give them opportunities to make money with food that would otherwise rot.

The same can't be said for yourself.
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The truth of the matter is that the treaty with Kabrinskia was specifically designed to be trivially easy to break. Both sides wanted war. All this arguing back and forth is just silly posturing. You got your war. Enjoy it. :D
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


Quote from: dustole on April 10, 2012, 01:28:42 AM
The funny part of this is that Terran freaked out over a Trader in their lands.  D'haran traders regularly go through Golden Farrow without ever announcing themselves.  I brought this up to Hireshmont in front of the other Rulers and he didn't have a good answer.  That right there helped me look better to a few of the other rulers.

It's like this: Terran asked Kabrinskia traders to leave and stay out. But those pesky traders kept showing up. D'Haran traders were never told by anyone to leave or stay out of Kabrinskia.

Do you understand now? Or should I break out the crayons?  ;)
qui audet vincit


Actually as soon as the trader was asked to leave he did and none of the other traders ever set foot in Terran lands. 
Kabrinski Family:  Nathaniel (EC), Franklin (BT), Aletha(DWI)


Quote from: dustole on April 10, 2012, 02:24:57 AM
Actually as soon as the trader was asked to leave he did and none of the other traders ever set foot in Terran lands.

Do you seriously OOCly believe that?

Because, I'm telling you in pure OOC truth, that isn't true. After being asked to leave, both of the two traders (not one) continued going further into Terran's lands.

I assumed it was IC posturing. But the fact that you're making OOC assertions to the contrary on the forum is befuddling. I would show you the scout reports of traders in Vashgew when we first contacted them in Lavendrow, except they've expired by now.
"A neutral humanism is either a pedantic artifice or a prologue to the inhuman." - George Steiner


Quote from: GoldPanda on April 10, 2012, 02:14:33 AM
It's like this: Terran asked Kabrinskia traders to leave and stay out. But those pesky traders kept showing up. D'Haran traders were never told by anyone to leave or stay out of Kabrinskia.

Do you understand now? Or should I break out the crayons?  ;)

Indeed. Had they been asked to, they'd have avoided Kabrinskia. There's really no need for them to pass through there, though a few of Allison's neighbors might be displeased by the lack of business opportunities. I'm pretty sure the realms we trade with enjoy the deals much more than we do. And it's not like suppliers are hard to come by, these days, we are really just trading for the sake of it mostly right now.

To this day, Allison has still not done a request for D'Haran traders to pull out, though, just a vague reference to them.
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Terran freely admits that one trader had permission to enter their realm.  So only one trader there was againt the treaty.  I ordered him out and  he left.  It seems rather weak reasoning to make such a fuss.  To me it seemed that Terran wanted war so I sent an Elder priest of SA through their lands to the Zuma see if they were really gonna declare war.  I wasnt gonna be bullied.  I really didnt think you were gonna declare war.  I told my realm we were calling your bluff.  So now we get a fun war and in the end I hope I can annex some territory after this war gains a few more participants and devolves into a free for all!
Kabrinski Family:  Nathaniel (EC), Franklin (BT), Aletha(DWI)


Quote from: dustole on April 10, 2012, 05:24:01 AM
Terran freely admits that one trader had permission to enter their realm.  So only one trader there was againt the treaty.  I ordered him out and  he left.  It seems rather weak reasoning to make such a fuss.  To me it seemed that Terran wanted war so I sent an Elder priest of SA through their lands to the Zuma see if they were really gonna declare war.  I wasnt gonna be bullied.  I really didnt think you were gonna declare war.  I told my realm we were calling your bluff.  So now we get a fun war and in the end I hope I can annex some territory after this war gains a few more participants and devolves into a free for all!

We let no trader into our realm. We let a trader into Faithill. Again, all clearly available fact. That trader then traveled as far as Vashgew despite repeated warnings. A second trader also showed up and went as far as Vashgew. Again, this is all simple fact. ICly characters can think whatever; Allison is welcome to believe that Terran made up a just-so story. But OOCly, it really did happen. And to cover it up, your traders really did insult Terran's banker to our judge's face, then insult the judge to the region lord's face.

All the while, of course, we were trying to get murderous settings to work. Wasn't until too late we learned that, as long as your traders kept moving, we couldn't touch'em.
"A neutral humanism is either a pedantic artifice or a prologue to the inhuman." - George Steiner


Meh, I dont believe much of what Hireshmont says.  I didnt see any evidence of them being asked to leave or that anyone was insulted.   I listened to what my nobles told me and then maneuvered myself into a war I believe I can take advantage of.
Kabrinski Family:  Nathaniel (EC), Franklin (BT), Aletha(DWI)


lol, oh of course Hireshmont was lying about Terran being all innocent. We absolutely tried to make our bureaucracy heinous to work through, and kept telling your traders to contact a different person. And of course we were trying to get murderous settings to work to spark a war anyways. But the simple event-timeline was entirely honest; Hireshmont wouldn't lie about something so easily verifiable.
"A neutral humanism is either a pedantic artifice or a prologue to the inhuman." - George Steiner


Oh, that's just hilarious. I will remember this war as, "What happens when BM players get bored."
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