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The Terran-Kabrinskian Conflict

Started by Perth, April 04, 2012, 08:43:01 PM

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Quote from: katayanna on May 09, 2012, 09:56:21 AM
To defend Kabrinskia of course..... At least that is what I think since he is not attacking Terran.

Thank you, captain obvious.

The question is, why IS Fang Fang defending Kabrinskia? Why Haktoo, who up until to now has only acted as if humans are some kind of rodent at her feet hardly worth her attention unless we prove annoying or "disrespectful" want to defend a bunch of humans from other humans?
"A tale is but half told when only one person tells it." - The Saga of Grettir the Strong
- Current: Kemen (D'hara) - Past: Kerwin (Eston), Kale (Phantaria, Terran, Melodia)


Quote from: Perth on May 09, 2012, 10:00:15 AM
Thank you, captain obvious.

The question is, why IS Fang Fang defending Kabrinskia? Why Haktoo, who up until to now has only acted as if humans are some kind of rodent at her feet hardly worth her attention unless we prove annoying or "disrespectful" want to defend a bunch of humans from other humans?

Figure.  It.  Out.  Do something other than demand explanations on the forums.  That's laziness.

On the topic of why Lurian players might take an interest in this: Brom worked very hard to sic the Zuma on Malus and Solaria, and I sussed it out IC, in part because Malus and Garret were friendly.  Koli was planning for a grand invasion of the Zuma, in time.  That is why Lurian realms have an interest in the Zuma.  They aren't the 'moot's personal gadfly, and the Sun does not rise and set over Hireshmont or Chénier's head. ;-P


See, that's exactly what the realms around the Zuma have been trying to do - figure out how they roll. In one of the older threads when Terran and Co. were grumbling how hard it was to deal with the Zuma, it was said that 'talk to Garrett, he's the Ambassador, the Zuma don't like dealing with human realms directly'. So people started talking to Garrett. Now people are saying 'Garrett is useless, you should have talked to the Zuma directly' - that's where it gets frustrating.


What I don't get is why Allison provoked a war just to have the daimons immediately arrive to stall it. She was suing for peace as soon as the war she caused had begun! What the hell!? It's like "Hey, you'll finally have a decent war and a chance to slug at us... OH SNAP NO! DAIMON COCKBLOCK!"
Dit donc camarade soleil / Ne trouves-tu ça pas plutôt con / De donner une journée pareil / À un patron


Quote from: Feylonis on May 09, 2012, 01:37:53 PM
See, that's exactly what the realms around the Zuma have been trying to do - figure out how they roll. In one of the older threads when Terran and Co. were grumbling how hard it was to deal with the Zuma, it was said that 'talk to Garrett, he's the Ambassador, the Zuma don't like dealing with human realms directly'. So people started talking to Garrett. Now people are saying 'Garrett is useless, you should have talked to the Zuma directly' - that's where it gets frustrating.

That's just part of the process of figuring things out :) If you want a step-by-step walkthrough, there isn't one. If you talked a lot with Garrett, you could have come to eventually realize he wasn't always the best way to approach the Zuma. He was great for some information and he was a good starting point, allowing you to learn a few things about the Zuma without your words pissing off the big bad Daimons. Garrett wasn't the nicest person, but he didn't send Zuma armies towards you whenever you said something wrong (Mostly because he couldn't and was as scared of pissing off the Zuma as others).


Quote from: Telrunya on May 09, 2012, 01:57:12 PM
That's just part of the process of figuring things out :) If you want a step-by-step walkthrough, there isn't one. If you talked a lot with Garrett, you could have come to eventually realize he wasn't always the best way to approach the Zuma. He was great for some information and he was a good starting point, allowing you to learn a few things about the Zuma without your words pissing off the big bad Daimons. Garrett wasn't the nicest person, but he didn't send Zuma armies towards you whenever you said something wrong (Mostly because he couldn't and was as scared of pissing off the Zuma as others).

Everything about this post is factually correct, which can hardly be said for several others.  For example, why is everyone taking Kabrinskia at their word for the explanation of events they're giving?  What's more plausible: that some people are framing the facts to best fit their needs (and maybe to mess with your heads), or that the Zuma have decided to do something that is so far unprecedented?


QuoteTerran's behavior before the Zuma arrived clearly indicated that policing our own borders was not our whole objective. And Terran never claimed it was.

Well, that's not true. Your original war declaration was that you were only defending your borders, and would not invade.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


Quote from: Vellos on May 09, 2012, 05:10:32 AM
2. That's bullcrap about "If you can beat the Zuma, you can beat anyone." Your allies against the Zuma might not be your allies against some other realm. You might have tactics that would work against the Zuma better than against human opponents (RTOs stand out in my mind). That is serious political naivete if you think that just because a realm can knock off the biggest kid on the block that suddenly everyone will be buddy-buddy with them.

I meant, "if you can beat the Zuma, other realms will be very, very worried that you can beat them as well."

I actually do not know what you are talking about. I didn't complain about TMP. I'm not sure if Perth did either, or Graeth, or Glaumring. Talk about paranoia.

Okay, maybe that was mostly Chenier complaining about both TMP (Too Much Peace, not Manifest Path) and the Daimons. Sorry.

Here's what I've been trying to say:

Quote from: Solari on May 09, 2012, 01:08:09 PM
Figure.  It.  Out.  Do something other than demand explanations on the forums.  That's laziness.


Quote from: Solari on May 09, 2012, 02:06:41 PM
Everything about this post is factually correct, which can hardly be said for several others.  For example, why is everyone taking Kabrinskia at their word for the explanation of events they're giving?  What's more plausible: that some people are framing the facts to best fit their needs (and maybe to mess with your heads), or that the Zuma have decided to do something that is so far unprecedented?

Some of us have more IG info that is best not shared over the forums
Geg Family: Elshon (Bel)


And who says others don't know as much as, more than, or different things than you do? Many people have many fingers in many pies in many places around Dwilight.


Quote from: Indirik on May 09, 2012, 02:54:35 PM
Well, that's not true. Your original war declaration was that you were only defending your borders, and would not invade.

No. Our original declaration was that we would not invade unless we were invaded.

Quote from: Zuma GM on May 09, 2012, 07:52:17 AM
Stop lying.
They were unannounced to you. At least two realms knew they were heading there whilst Fang Fang was still in the Corridor of Torment, a journey that took over a week of real time travel, possibly two, I can't check the travel times any more.
Also you state that, despite enquiries, it has not been explained why they are there. You, Hireshmont II Vellos, were told, and responded to the message yesterday (yes, this was delayed as I missed your original message but it still happened before this message you have posted stating it has not been explained). Glaumring was told 13 days ago.
Just because you don't like the explanation, stop lying and stating that none has been given. As rulers of realms you have responsibilities to the players within your realm and by purposefully providing inaccurate information on the forums it just appears petty and intentionally trying to stir OOC bad feelings toward the Zuma.

I'm not lying. I'm telling the truth.

I asked why Haktoo is defending Kabrinskia. The answer I got is that Haktoo is defending Kabrinskia. That's not an explanation.
"A neutral humanism is either a pedantic artifice or a prologue to the inhuman." - George Steiner


Quote from: Sacha on May 09, 2012, 05:26:31 PM
And who says others don't know as much as, more than, or different things than you do? Many people have many fingers in many pies in many places around Dwilight.

Obviously there are many who know much more than we do, or this whole nonsense wouldn't have started.  I'm merely saying that certain info that hasn't been shared yet on the forums makes it appear that this Allison business is about to lead to something unprecedented. 
Geg Family: Elshon (Bel)


It's Allison. You'd think her foes would have learned to expect the unexpected by now, wouldn't you? People are looking for consistent reasonable and/or sensible behavior from a woman who, and I can't stress this part enough, drilled a hole in her skull to get better reception from the Blood Stars and has caused enough civil unrest to put most Lurians to shame.


Many of us on the Western half not in SA had no idea who she was until the Caerwyn war and talk about Astrum's colony.  Still have no idea who this Brom fellow is that people bring up on the forum.
Geg Family: Elshon (Bel)


Quote from: Sacha on May 09, 2012, 05:34:20 PM
It's Allison. You'd think her foes would have learned to expect the unexpected by now, wouldn't you? People are looking for consistent reasonable and/or sensible behavior from a woman who, and I can't stress this part enough, drilled a hole in her skull to get better reception from the Blood Stars and has caused enough civil unrest to put most Lurians to shame.

I expect craziness from Allison.

I didn't expect the Zuma GM to play along.

We knew long before the war that Allison had frequent contact with the Zuma. We periodically tried to interrupt her travels there. We even sent an ambassador of our own (who got no response; dunno why). We just didn't think that a very limited war (I mean, seriously: a war with no takeovers and explicit promise of the survival of the enemy from the get-go, as well as a pledge to never escalate conflict unless the other does so first. We didn't even invade until invaded. How much more limited of a war do you want?) was going to provoke 10,000 CS of Zuma.
"A neutral humanism is either a pedantic artifice or a prologue to the inhuman." - George Steiner