Author Topic: Anti-Clan Policy Discussion  (Read 17240 times)


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Re: Anti-Clan Policy Discussion
« Topic Start: April 07, 2012, 02:19:16 PM »
1. How do you identify clans? Short of people owning up to it, how do you prove that a group of players constitute a clan? What is the difference between a clan and a group of friends who are playing together without power-gaming? How do you prove that power-gaming is taking place? How do you distinguish a clan from an elite army formed by the most active nobles in a realm? When looking for a realm to join, I tend to go for realms with players that I already know. Does that make me a clanner now too?

2. This is a PvP game. I should care about whether players in my own realm are having fun, but why should I care about the feelings of players in opposing realms? Would you concede a chess match if your opponent tells you that losing at chess hurts his feelings? ::) If they're not having fun while losing, they can surrender the war or leave the realm. Surely winning does not breach "Fair Play". So when would you declare "Fair Play" to be breached by an opposing realm?

3. What if my realm is winning simply because my realm's players have better activity? What if my realm just happens to be full of turn-junkies? What level of activity would trip off people's "clan detector"? What if the enemy realm accuses my realm of being a giant clan? Are we innocent until proven guilty? Guilty until proven innocent? How do you even prove this either way? How do you prevent punishments going to innocent players?

My problem with your complains so far, Ravier, is that your main complaint is NOT that some clanners are allegedly taking over Fontan, and depriving their players of fun. A few players in Fontan have indeed complained about this, and I am much more sensitive to such complaints. You do not even have a char in Fontan, have no stake in it, and would not even notice if some clan started taking over the government.

Your main complaint is that your realm is losing because your opponents are more active than you are. And before you say "because they're a clan", yes, they admit it in this case, but what about the general case in the future, where an actual clan would surely deny it to evade punishment? It all goes back to: How in the world can you tell the difference between a clan and a regular realm? Why should I risk being punished and labeled a clanner just because my realm is more active than yours? Where do you draw the line?

So you are now attacking me because I've done what Tom asked in the other thread and opened a discussion? If you maybe read what I have said constantly - I don't !@#$ing care if Westmoor wins or loses at this point. If it gets destroyed, if Ravier dies, it's only bloody pixels and I'll make the most of what time that character has left if the end is inevitable. What part of that do you not understand? Or are you just biased because I have two characters in a realm you hate? Then again, you've already said as much by saying "I don't give a damn about players in other realms". No surprises there from you, frankly.

So I'm not allowed to speak if I don't have a character in a realm where there is potential powergaming going on? Do you want to report me for speaking my mind while you're at it? I'm clearly guilty of thought-crime, it seems. And your solution to the problem is "leave the game you !@#$ing pussy, we don't want you here". Since when do you get to decide who plays and who does not?

That power is reserved for Tom and the Devs. Not you. Not me. But if Tom asks for a proposal or discussion, then that can be done. The call is his at the end of the day, he can choose to listen, or not. I opened the discussion because he asked for someone to do it, I took the initiative, if you don't like it, then take it up with him.
« Last Edit: April 07, 2012, 02:35:54 PM by Ravier »