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[Forum Game] World in Revolution 1861, Sign-up Thread

Started by Perth, April 08, 2012, 09:53:58 AM

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Hello! Welcome to World in Revolution: 1861! This game is the brainchild of Frymonmon and Red Cesar over on the Paradox Forums (Original WiR: 1861 Game) that I often visit to read. However, after looking through this game being played there I thought it would be something fun to try and start here. I would now like to present this forum game for your enjoyment. The rules are fairly simple and the game is almost entirely role-play based. It MAY seem complicated at first, but just realize it is actually very simple and most of what you will be doing is simply role-playing discussion, news reports, proclamations, etc. from your nation. You can be almost as creative as you would like. You have very few things to worry about. The GM (myself) will do most all of the work behind the scenes.

Disclaimer: This is my first time either playing or GMing; things may be rough at first, but we'll smooth it out and get things running well! :)

Nation Registration is: CLOSED

The basic idea of this game is that it is April 14th, 1861. The United States Garrison at Fort Sumter in South Carolina has just surrendered to soldiers of the newly formed Confederate States of America. It is now your duty to take up the leadership of ANY nation existing in 1861, as this will NOT be an American Civil War centric game, it is merely the starting point. You are to simulate your country as it's Head of Government. You may pass laws, direct your military, pass reforms, and guide your nation through the turbulent Victorian Age. However, as any good leader - you must keep the consent of the governed in mind, otherwise you could have a Revolution on your hands, be it by the people or the army.

Rules & Procedures:

The rules are fairly simple. As the leader of your nation, you send a set of orders you wish to do to me, Perth. The orders you choose are basically unlimited, your only restraints are the time period and your imagination. This means, if you want to hatch a crazy plan of trapping African Gorillas and letting them loose in Washington, D.C., well, go ahead. If you want to build a nuclear reactor in 1890, it's not going to happen. Keep in mind, you can trade with other nations, create secret treaties, wage war and all of that.

Each turn will constitute three months. Four turns will complete a year of game play. We start off in April 1861, giving us three turns before 1862 rolls around. Now, of course, this is to simulate the slower pace things went back in the Victorian Era. As the years progress, and if it seems the pace should be either quickened or slowed, then that can be done.

So, what is your main goal in this entire game? Guide your nation through the Victorian Era. This means building industry, infrastructure, waging war for your nation, diplomacy, keeping your government stable. You can pretty much shape your nation anyway you want to be, provided you have the support. However, a genuine degree of realism should be sought after and the GM will seek to regulate out of bounds play. Also, the GM will help with random events, movements, etc. such as Revolutions and the like. When I say "realism," however, I do not mean you cannot aspire to greatness and glory as a tiny nation, rather only that outrageous claims, events, or actions should be avoided and I will strive to regulate.

We should seek to create a fun and interesting alternate history. Not everyone will win every war or battle, and obviously not everyone will end the game as the Greatest Empire The World Has Ever Seen! Some good advice is to set goals for your play: dominate my sphere of influence, become a trade empire, an industrial behemoth, a colonial empire, etc.

Please keep in mind: both you and I will be learning as we go. Please be constructive in criticism, open minded to changes or how things go, and a good sport!


A Nation shall submit their orders to the GM (Perth) via Private Message. In the title of this message it MUST have your countries name and the date, as well as the months this order is for. For example, for the United Kingdom in the second half of 1863 it would read "WiR - Untied Kingdom: July-December 1863"

The orders are fairly simple. Every nation is allowed to submit 4 orders of any kind encompassing anything. However, there is a twist. If your nation is at war, you get supplemental "War Orders." You must clarify that your orders are War Orders and, similar to regular orders, you get 4 of them. This way, a nation can submit a maximum of 8 orders if they are at war, 4 normal and 4 war orders.

For Example:

WiR - Untied Kingdom: July-December 1863

1. Invest 250G in general industry.
2. Begin construction of a Railroad between Bombay and Calcutta.
3. Hire and begin training 20,000 Regulars.
4. Raise taxes on the lower classes.

(If applicable) War Orders:
1. Advance the Army of Northern Virginia towards Baltimore.
2. Deploy the 15,000 new conscripts in the West to Army of California.
3. Attempt to lay siege to Berlin.
4. Establish Naval Blockade of Gibraltar.

If there are any questions you have regarding orders, what would be acceptable, etc. please ask!


There are three types of updates. A Normal Update happens every 3 months of game time (for every set of orders submitted). A larger, more encompassing and informative, Yearly Update will happen after every four turns (one year) to provide an overall picture of World Events, Atmosphere, Diplomacy, etc. The last kind of updates are the Mini-Updates. These simply serve to move along the In-Character discussion with various tidbits and facts that effect game play and what not.

The Updates serve to provide the GM produced objectivity to the game. You should look to use these to spur and guide further RP on your own part. For instance, if the update gives the results of two armies meeting and the results of the battle, you and your opponent can then role play from that point on the consequences and implications, etc.


Guide to your Country's Stats:

Along with the yearly update I will post a graphic of each nation's "stats" or "info." This is all public information and provides a way to keep a good track on a nation as a whole and how it is doing. Here's a rundown of the Confederate States, this is not the starting screen, but an idea of what could happen after a few turns (graphic still to come!)

1. Country Stats - This shows the flag of your nation, as well as the name of your nation.

2. National Banl - This is pretty obvious. It is how much money you have resting in your national bank. Money is used for basically everything. You need money to wage war, create infrastructure, and foster industrial growth. You can run a debt, however there is a point where it starts to become a major damper on your economy, and if left unchecked could become a serious problem. There are a few "reoccurring" expenses, but they are covered in point three.

3. Income - This is how much money is added to your National Bank after each turn. This constitutes how much money you earn from taxes, revenues, and tariffs. Your money supply will likely grow over the years, slightly, as your population grows. You may raise taxes, tariffs, and other things to get revenue as you wish, but keep in mind the views  of the population. You may lower your income by supporting an Army and a Navy, or other orders. Construction of infrastructure and industry comes out of your National Bank.

4. Trade Balance - This is nothing more than a modifier. Your goal is to import and export goods with other nations (Player or NPC), to maintain a positive trade balance. It will speed up the process in gaining resources, increasing growth faster. If you have a negative trade balance, you are either vastly importing goods or not trading at all. A negative trade balance will lower your income.

5. Stability - Fairly simple. This is the stability of your government. It runs on a scale of 0 - 10. A 0 means your nation is almost guaranteed a revolution, while 10 means you are a stable, held together nation. Stability may increase or decrease and it is influenced by your population's support, as well as how well you manage your nation.

6. Industry - This is the industrial output of your nation. The higher the score, the better you are able to manufacture goods and the higher your income is. It is as simple as that. A nation's industry will grow naturally, slowly, but you may make an order expanding it.

7. Infrastructure - This is a measure of your nation's railroads, telegraph lines, roads, public works, government buildings, bureaucracy, ect. This is directly reflective of how fast you can do things. Your orders will have a better chance of succeeding, and succeeding quicker, with a higher infrastructure. Unlike the other categories, this does NOT grow naturally and it must be increased by player action. However, you may be specific or vague in your order. (Build Infrastructure or Build Telegraph line from City A to City B. Both are fine.)

8. Army - Size of your nation's armed forces. They are divided into two categories. Regulars and Conscripts. Regulars are the highly trained, but slow moving and take a fair amount of time to create. Conscripts are simply volunteers or draftees. These should only be used in times of war, and can be raised very quickly, are cheap, but serve for a limited amount of time. They are also inexperienced fighters.

9. Navy - Your nation's navy. This is divided into Large Ships and Small Ships. They are essential to establish a Merchant Marine, can be used in blockades and naval warfare. Ships are a large investment and can take a while to build, so plan accordingly.


So, I still have a few things to think about and draw up before getting started. However, I also want to gauge interest for participation. If you would like to play, please sign up here and feel free to pick a nation! I will list 10-15 suggested starting countries, however, of course, you are allowed to choose any nation that existed in April of 1861!

"A tale is but half told when only one person tells it." - The Saga of Grettir the Strong
- Current: Kemen (D'hara) - Past: Kerwin (Eston), Kale (Phantaria, Terran, Melodia)


World in Revolution Nation List

Nation - Player
The United States of America - vonGenf
The Confederate States of America - Frymonmon
The Republic of Mexico - Muskeato
The United Kingdom - Adriddae
The Kingdom of Italy - Duke of Britain
The Kingdom of Belgium - Sacha
The Kingdom of the Netherlands - BarticaBoat
The Second French Empire - JPierreD
The Spanish Empire - Jacob L
Swiss Confederation - Tom
The Kingdom of Bavaria - Spitfire9753
The Kingdom of Prussia - Iltaran
The Russian Empire - Lefanis
The Austrian Empire - Keldonia
The Kingdom of Romania - Spectre17
The Ottoman Empire - Suirantes
The Great Qing Empire - Vellos
The Tokugawa Shogunate of Japan - Dante Silverfire
The Empire of Brazil - Indirik
The Argentine Republic - Sypher
"A tale is but half told when only one person tells it." - The Saga of Grettir the Strong
- Current: Kemen (D'hara) - Past: Kerwin (Eston), Kale (Phantaria, Terran, Melodia)



Imperial Russian Empire or the French Empire, depending on the answer to the question below.

May we change the socio-economic structure of our chosen countries? Opt for... Other economic systems, or choose to abolish monarchy... Or roll with certain historical events in our nations on the "other side", stuff like that?
What is Freedom? - ye can tell; That which slavery is, too well; For its very name has grown; To an echo of your own

T'is to work and have such pay; As just keeps life from day to day; In your limbs, as in a cell; For the tyrants' use to dwell


Wow, honored to have my Oriental Republic of Uruguay present. Undoubtedly will be it. Are we playing with a specific map to delimit regions? If so, may I suggest Paradox Interactive Victoria II's maps?
d'Arricarrère Family: Torpius (All around Dwilight), Felicie (Riombara), Frederic (Riombara) and Luc (Eponllyn).

Dante Silverfire

I'd be interested in the Tokugawa Shogunate of Japan.

What sort of time frame is expected for turns? Also, is there any resources we can check out for more information on the game or how it is played?
"This is the face of the man who has worked long and hard for the good of the people without caring much for any of them."


I would put my name in for the United Kingdom. I wouldn't mind if it collapses around me due to my inefficient administration.  :o

Will it be possible for more than one player to run a nation? For example, with myself running the United Kingdom, appointing Governor Generals over Canada or India? Or whatever their respective administrator would be?

Dante Silverfire

Quote from: Adriddae on April 08, 2012, 05:36:52 PM
I would put my name in for the United Kingdom. I wouldn't mind if it collapses around me due to my inefficient administration.  :o

Intentional sabotage!!!
"This is the face of the man who has worked long and hard for the good of the people without caring much for any of them."


This looks kind of interesting. What kind of pace are we talking about here? (Sorry, I tl;dr'd some of that first post. :P )
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


Quote from: Lefanis on April 08, 2012, 12:46:50 PM
Imperial Russian Empire or the French Empire, depending on the answer to the question below.

May we change the socio-economic structure of our chosen countries? Opt for... Other economic systems, or choose to abolish monarchy... Or roll with certain historical events in our nations on the "other side", stuff like that?

Certainly, as long as the RP is done well. I mean, if you the peasants overthrow your Monarchy and establish the first great socialist democracy on the planet it should be obvious that your stats may take some hits and that it may take a little while to really get things going again. Again, my rule: attempt some realism. That's all I care about. As far as alternate outcomes for things that historically happened: absolutely! Just make it make sense!

Quote from: JPierreD on April 08, 2012, 04:46:44 PM
Wow, honored to have my Oriental Republic of Uruguay present. Undoubtedly will be it. Are we playing with a specific map to delimit regions? If so, may I suggest Paradox Interactive Victoria II's maps?

Yes, I am currently checking out map options. This one looks excellent; I will probably use it. Map updates will come definitely with each Yearly Update, I am undecided about with the Normal Updates yet.

Quote from: Dante Silverfire on April 08, 2012, 05:30:18 PM
I'd be interested in the Tokugawa Shogunate of Japan.

What sort of time frame is expected for turns? Also, is there any resources we can check out for more information on the game or how it is played?

To my knowledge, this game was made up by a couple folks and has only been played once or twice. I've altered a few things and may alter it more to make it work better by my own standards. If you want to see how they played it check it out here:

Quote from: Adriddae on April 08, 2012, 05:36:52 PM
I would put my name in for the United Kingdom. I wouldn't mind if it collapses around me due to my inefficient administration.  :o

Will it be possible for more than one player to run a nation? For example, with myself running the United Kingdom, appointing Governor Generals over Canada or India? Or whatever their respective administrator would be?

I don't have a problem with that in regards to RP. However, I wouldn't want to receive separate orders for Canada, India and the UK, for instance. One set for the UK. If Canada or India are given independence/made sovereign nations, then they can submit orders of their own.

But it terms of a couple just wanting to RP and made confer with each other as to what the nation's orders should be, I don't see why not!

Quote from: Indirik on April 08, 2012, 05:40:21 PM
This looks kind of interesting. What kind of pace are we talking about here? (Sorry, I tl;dr'd some of that first post. :P )

It should be. Again, I'm mostly winging all this, so bear with me.

For a time table for each set of orders to be submitted, I am think perhaps once a week? Maybe two? Certainly not very fast; I want to encourage RP and also it is too much of a time commitment any faster than that. Also, I think games work out better participation-wise when folks have a (not overly) generous amount of time to contribute and play.


All county selections noted!

Lefanis, get back to me about Russian Empire or French.

"A tale is but half told when only one person tells it." - The Saga of Grettir the Strong
- Current: Kemen (D'hara) - Past: Kerwin (Eston), Kale (Phantaria, Terran, Melodia)

Dante Silverfire

Okay, so Perth, you'll be the GM then, or the person determining how actions turn out and what happens?

Also, can nations fight and destroy each other? Take land, etc? I'm assuming so, but wasn't exactly sure after reading through.

Finally, we send orders to you, (GM) but we can also communicate with the other nations and discuss plans, treaties, etc...right? I mean I'm sure this is encouraged but just checking.
"This is the face of the man who has worked long and hard for the good of the people without caring much for any of them."


This is highly similar to another forum game which they called, "Qpawn", its found here:

Their entire forum seems to be devoted to running the game.

How many players will you be able to handle?


I am the Qing.

Where do we get stats for our country?
"A neutral humanism is either a pedantic artifice or a prologue to the inhuman." - George Steiner


And if anybody dares claim anything in southeast Asia... I will !@#$ your !@#$ up. And whoever plays Russia: I will be contesting you in central Asia.

History will be re-written as China is reborn.
"A neutral humanism is either a pedantic artifice or a prologue to the inhuman." - George Steiner

Dante Silverfire

Quote from: Vellos on April 09, 2012, 12:36:09 AM
And if anybody dares claim anything in southeast Asia... I will !@#$ your !@#$ up. And whoever plays Russia: I will be contesting you in central Asia.

History will be re-written as China is reborn.

Haven't you ever heard: Don't find a land war in Russia.

We'll see if you can really change history THAT much.
"This is the face of the man who has worked long and hard for the good of the people without caring much for any of them."